Weeeheee - BaO is back. I could hardly believe what happened.....for anyone who didn't read my post in this thread from Sunday 8th June, hoppy, the server, had a bit of a problem with a partition on her had drive on Friday 6th June which caused the forum to lock and die. I ended up effectively reformatting the affected partition on the hard drive and completed recovering things from a backup on Sunday. All was nice and good again.
Then, totally unrelated, on Monday 9th June I found that a hacker (probably a hacking bot) had successfully gained access to hoppy early on that Monday morning....it also had returned that afternoon when the hacker (or bot) was here it had full "root" access...it downloaded to hoppy some unknown programs and ran them...I don't know everything they did but for one thing they stopped me from logging in to hoppy by ssh. Although people have threatened to hack BaO or hoppy, as far as I can tell, this is the first time anyone or anything has succeeded.
Soooo, I had to take hoppy out of action again for the second time in just a few days. I tried restoring hoppy for a few days on the server where she had been kept (a company called easyspeedy) but easyspeedy seem to be having some kind of technical or hardware problems of their own as far as I can tell which made restoring there impossible
BaO is currently therefore running on a backup shared server and I've ordered a new "Dedicated managed server" (hoppy IV I think this will be) from a company called Westhost (which is the same place where the backup shared server is running) rather than continue trying with easyspeedy. The fact that the new server will be a "managed" solution should allow me to concentrate less on the background technical thingummy server stuff, and should also be way more stable, secure and hopefully faster to fix if anything goes wrong in the future.
There may be a few glitches that still need to be fixed (due to the move back to the shared dedicated server currently and slightly different configuration settings). If you see anything that appears glitchy, please mention it here and I'll get to fixing it as soon as I can.
The site's restore has been done from the last good backup (before the hack attack) from Early friday morning the June so is free of any hacky stuff. To be extra safe though, it may be worthwhile that members change their passwords, especially Moderators if possible...I think this is probably being over-paraniod, as passwords in the database are encrypted but the hacker could have done anything while he/it was here (it originated from an 18 year old guy from Romania apparently) and although the probability is very tiny indeed, passwords could have been compromised.
Really sorry about BaO having been away for so long....basically it's two very bad but unrelated occurrences...I don't think this has been my lucky week or so.