by Scellanis » Friday 5 January 2007 12:59:40am
I doubt it, the movie has recieved very bad reviews for good reason, not only is the continuity bad (Saphira's armour was full face before she put it on and only covered her forehead afterwards) but it was awfully rushed in that towards the end it changed between night and day very fast many times and also the dragon grew up in the space of one flight and they crossed then entire land in the space of about 3 days along with a side trip back to almost where they started to rescue the elf.
And the flying thing Durza rode in the battle was just wrong, very wrong indeed.
As my boyfriend pointed out, the huge displays to promote the film in cineworld (big pictures of each character) revealed very basic photoshop errors in that the patterns on the swords were photoshopped on straight even though the blade was angled so there was a triangular gap between the end of the pattern and the sword hilt and the pattern wasn't finished, it was just a sction cut out of a larger piece.
Then of couse there is the total abscence of any of the book plot.
They took no care over making the movie at all.