8379: wonder what happened to UAP today... as apparently i wasn't paying attention
8378: hope whatever it was was good
8377: assure UAP that i DO have a story... but now deanna KNOWS i have a story... and that is dangerous
8376: tell UAP that the story not only involves me, but someone else she knows as well... and it isn't my mother
8375: wonder if curiouser is ever going to get to come back to my class
8374: hope the p=psat thing is over... soon
8373: think it is kind of funny that UAP, curiouser, et all have apparently decided to become 6th graders again every afternoon
8372: wonder if their homeroom teacher notices that they are gone
8371: laugh because i love their homeroom teacher, know she's flighty, and realize that she probably has never noticed they're gone.
8370: tell UAP and co. to STAY OUT OF MY CHAIR
8369: post something today that actually pertains to hp