From what I heard, his name is prounounced like that:
A typical dutch 'van', pronounced like 'fun'. And Gogh like go, but with a short o (like in 'gone'), and a typical dutch g, as in 'dag'. It's quite a strange sound, similar to the spanish pronunciation of 'j', the closest english sound would be the ch in 'Loch Ness'. The international key to pronunciation writes it as a x.
Hm...I don't know if that's of any help, it's quite hard to explain.
'Liberal attitudes to some plants', that's good, lol! I've just celebrated my birthday in Amsterdam, I just love the night life. And I found such a good indian restaurant! And I saw a little bridge named after a guy from my hometown, Susskind was his name...did I say I envy you, Hagger?