Paul for creating BaO which made me fell in love with ever since I first joined in '03.
Mint for the ultimate chicken supporter, high priestess of the chicken worshippers, commander for the chicken on the chicken-vs-duck war, her ruthlessness in McWizards, all in all, a best partner in crime!
Scellanis Hurray to the chesshire cat who appears in a nick of time to save the duck commander heeee and of course, the frog army assistance to the duck platoon
fawkes, Duckie, Godric for making Gryffindors so active! And of course, the contribution to RPG as well as the chicken vs duck war! duckie leads the ducks! LOL did you came up with the name before you knew there was such a war? If not, it is such a great coincidence
Distortia for the RPG plotting with me almost every night! Yeah, glad we are on the same timezone! LOL
Riley for making me read his stories and really making an effort to promote BaO and Harry Potter fans! Cool kid, hope you really get/become what you wish for in the coming days
Salemboy with his crazy monkey antics and the Quibbler. Oh yeah, Heads of Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry coming on RPG soon... hahaha
Q.Araignee for her 'cool' perspectives she has... don't ask me how I know, I can feel that when I talk to her on MSN, she is always so calm hahaha
And not forgetting the members of BaO! We rocks