Duckie's Graphics Thread

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Duckie's Graphics Thread

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 6 December 2007 12:06:53am

I love making graphics using my computer, so I thought I'd share them all with you. I've made them all using the Gimp, which is a free graphics program.

Some of the stuff I've made is Harry Potter related. Practically everything I've made has Benny in it. :lol: This is because most of the stuff I've made I use for avatars and signatures on other forums.

Benny wearing Godric's HP hat. (I used to have this as my avatar here).

Green Benny

Matching Avatar

Blue Benny Desktop Background

Snowy Benny 2

Benny with his bone

Snowy Benny

Hogwarts Hound

Mischief Managed Desktop Background


PupBenedict Avatar (my username on most of the pet forums I'm on is PupBenedict)

If anyone wants an avatar that resembles the PupBenedict one, I'll make them one. Just tell me the colors and any little images you want on it. I've got fonts for all kinds of shapes, food, snow flakes, animals, a few magic-related things. Just ask and I'll let you know if I've got that font.
Last edited by DucksRMagical on Thursday 13 December 2007 9:57:00pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 7 December 2007 8:04:43pm

Looks pretty cool! What are some of the other things you can do on that free computer Graphic program?
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 7 December 2007 10:59:17pm

Thanks! :) You can do lots of stuff with it. Resize pics, make pics look like they were painted, turn things black and white, do other graphics that don't involve pics, animate stuff, plus other things that I haven't discovered yet. It's like Photoshop, but free.
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Postby Simatra » Saturday 8 December 2007 1:26:23am

OOOOHHHHH! :o PHOTOSHOP!?!?!? *drool*
Pretty please show me :grin:
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Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 9 December 2007 3:47:17pm You can download it there. They just came out with a new version, but I haven't downloaded it yet. There are also tutorials and instructions on how to use it there.

I'm going to make a Christmas card on it sometime. I'll post it when I'm done.
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Re: Duckie's Graphics Thread

Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 13 April 2008 6:42:18pm

Here's a few more things I've made.

An avatar of my favorite HP ships, that I'm using on the HP fan fiction forum.

Another avatar, I'm using it on a pet forum.

Marauder/Benny avatar and signature that I'm using on another pet forum.


And this was a Peeps diorama that Fawkes, Godric, youknowwho and I made for a contest the local newspaper was having. It's Snape's potions class. :lol:
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