What will you be doing the weekend of the HP #6 release?

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Will you be marathon-reading HP #6 the weekend it comes out?

Total votes : 13

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 2 July 2005 7:13:53am

Manticore wrote:i mean there will be the prince free area i guess, but i doubt that will be very active

That's what's going to be good. There's going to be a Prince-Only Area, the complete opposite to what we've got now. That way there's a restricted area for people that have read the books, to talk about it, and we can still come on BaO.

And 14 days until lift off!
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Postby Ginny Potter » Saturday 2 July 2005 1:34:28pm

Phoenix in the Ashes wrote:
Manticore wrote:i mean there will be the prince free area i guess, but i doubt that will be very active

That's what's going to be good. There's going to be a Prince-Only Area, the complete opposite to what we've got now. That way there's a restricted area for people that have read the books, to talk about it, and we can still come on BaO.

And 14 days until lift off!

If that's the case, it seems like to me we'd just have to be careful not to hit "View New Posts" or whatever the link is when we come on. Otherwise, even though you wouldn't see the Prince posts, you'd see the titles of them, and those might have spoilers! :o

It might also be nice to put the word "spoilers" in the title just to be on the safe side. To be really safe, I may not come here at all until I finish reading the book. Does anyone remember what the length of the book is supposed to be comparable to? Is HBP roughly the length of POA or GOF? What a crazy weekend that is going to be...gotta make sure I stock up on snacks so I'm all ready to go! :grin:
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Postby Nikki » Saturday 2 July 2005 1:36:42pm

yesterday i saw this shirt that said on the back: Hairy Pawter, and Harry and Dumbledore were all dogs, it was kinda cool but mostly weird
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