What do you think will happen in HP6?

A forum room for those who haven't yet read Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. Please do not post any discussions about book 6 in this room. Sincere thanks for your cooperation which will enable members who haven't yet read JK Rowling's latest masterpiece to fully enjoy Book 6. Warning: All other areas of the forum (except the Phoenix-Free Room) may contain Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince references and plot details.

Moderator: Un'Anima Persa

What do you think will happen in HP6?

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 30 January 2006 11:03:03am

Here's a thread for all those that haven't read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and would like to discuss what they think will happen! :-)

Obviously no spoilers please...

Other than that, enjoy your speculation on the latest Harry Potter adventure! :grin:
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Postby Cougie » Friday 17 February 2006 9:25:24am

I think harry will die. :eek:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 18 February 2006 8:58:44am

Don't you think they'd leave that for HP7? :???:
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