by Holly Golightly » Wednesday 30 April 2003 6:25:01am
Well, for sure Draco doesn't know, remember he was telling Snape that is he was to run for headmaster then he would ahve his dad's vote... So Draco obviouosly knows nothing about this spy business.
Also, I don't think that Lucious knows, because he awlways seems to tell Draco most everything. Though he didnt' give him details about the CoS, he still told him about it... And from what we have been given so far, Lucious doesn't seem like the type that can hide his feeling very well. Take his attitude towards Dumbledore. Remember that Luc is trying to hide the fact that he is a DE, so logicly he should be really nice to DD, but he's not. Even at the end of the 2nd book when DD comes back, you would think that he would be faking nice really well, but everything that he says is still very stiff and packed with malice.
And I can't figure out wether I beleive taht Voldie knows about Snape being a spy or not anymore... there's just too much to think about! To many possible explinations!!!
*hrmm, did that go for 500billion years or wot???*