which person were you the most sad about dying. i'll definatly miss fred, hedwig, and dobby a lot. call me crazy, but i'm also gonna miss voldemort. he was a great charactor, and without him, there would be no plot.
*hides in a corner* don't hurt me.
FawkesthePhoenix wrote:which person were you the most sad about dying.
I'll miss Lupin... I don't know exatctly why but I liked him very very much. Maybe it's because he was so poor, in so poor condition and despite that - always cheerful. I felt so pity for him.
Well I would say Mad Eye Moody but I choose to believe he's still alive
I wouldn't really miss anyone else unless there's going to be more H.P books, then I'd miss Voldemort since I thought he was very interesting to read about.