by pandora315 » Sunday 17 July 2005 1:22:09pm
When I first read the character description of Scrimgeour (sp?) I immediatly thought he was probably an animagus who trasforms into a lion. And then- this being a world of magic and all- I thought about a possibile connection with the Lion, the Witch, and the Wordrobe. But unfortuantly my memory is not that good and I read those books in gradeschool which was, embarassingly enough, ages ago so I can't remember what happens, only that the Lion dies and is reborn??? Seriously, correct me if I'm wrong because I really can't remember much. Which, (if thats even how that story goes) is quite similiar to the Phoenix tie in, being reborn from the ashes and all that. Of course it could refer to many things, like a wizard world rebuilding after the death of the life they know, or a rebuilding of muggles and wizards together, instead of (as I secretly hope) the rebirth of some of my old favorite characters like Sirius and DD.