Small character...big meaning

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Small character...big meaning

Postby Lolita Banana » Monday 28 July 2003 4:48:48pm

Did you ever think that there was a character that really doesn't show up a lot in the book but has or will have a huge meaning in the rest of the series? (Try to stay away from spoilers. I guess I should be in a OOTP forum but this is a character thing.) I don't really have an opinion on this one. I want yours please.
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Postby Vivian Borgin » Wednesday 30 July 2003 6:37:09am

Somebody mentioned Narcissa Malfoy as possibly having significance. It was in the Great Hall, or Book 5 Characters, I think. They had a good point!

As for me, I think my screennamesake, Mr. Borgin of the Dark supply shop, seemed to know a little too much about Lucius Malfoy's home and personal reputation. I wonder if he might pop up again yet...
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 30 July 2003 2:19:26pm

what about mr. olivander, the wand guy, he might have some impact later on. i mean, he sold wansd to both harry and voldy.
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 30 July 2003 2:39:17pm

Ive got some characters in mind form book 5...i cant put that here.

But from other books...maybe Krum will come back? Or maybe Milicent Bullstrode, Justin, Ernie or Hannah Abbot? Just some characters...
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 12:23:06am

Susan Bones...members of her family were killed during the first reign of terror (mentioned in PS, i believe) this brings a common bond between her, harry, and neville. (ho hum wants to mention stuff from book 5, but will refrain...he he)...but I always thought Susan will come trhough, and I bet ya she will!
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