Krum, Fleur and Madame Maxine(lack of)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Krum, Fleur and Madame Maxine(lack of)

Postby English » Sunday 6 July 2003 10:12:00pm

What a same none of these headstrong characters managed to really appear in book 5- although all are mentioned, and Fleur is in England. I think perhaps Tonk and Fleur are a slighlty too similar to have together, although Tonks is much more friendly.

It *might* be the case that Rowling wished to divorce this book from the previous volume- look at home Lupin was ignored in book 4. This is a fair tactic, as otherwise it wouldn't really work as a stand alone story. Come to think of it, Ginny too very much went on the back burner for books 3 and 4, and is back on the fore in 5.

Still, we have three very strong characters here, all three of which are romantically linked to regulars (well, bill/fleur is a possibility).
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Postby azn wizard » Monday 7 July 2003 2:49:44am

yes, i do hope, and it is very likely that these there will appear agian. for one, we know maxine is in the order cuz she helped hagrid with the giant mission. krums has been contacting hermonie, and fleur at gringotts
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Postby June » Monday 7 July 2003 8:35:37am

I wrote this in another thread... but I thought this post is quite suited here, so I'm re-posting this here ^_~ :

Beauxbaton and Durmstrang students/ teachers: We see references to Krum, Fleur and Professor Maxime in OotP, but only in passing and through other people. Still, they were mentioned and not cut off totally, to remind people of them, perhaps foreshadowing their re-appearance in later books. So, I just wondered if they'll come back in Book 6 and 7, if only to have a show of international cooperation against Voldemort, and emphasise the importance of unity in the wizarding world. After all, in the first war, Voldemort was also an international threat. In addition, I think I remembered Rowling saying that we'll get to know about the international magical world... so I think it's a distinct possibility that we'll see these characters back into the Harry Potter series...
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Postby highsorcerer » Monday 7 July 2003 12:03:34pm

It would be interesting to see exactly what Krum meant when he stated to Hermoine that Harry could do things in his 4th year that he couldn't do as a 7th year. I can only think of three things offhand; produce a patronus, throw off the imperious curse (Krum failed miserably at it during the third task; Harry overcame Voldemort's), and think around problems. He was almost certainly shocked and embarassed when Harry showed him up at the first task. I think he'd also conceed gillyweed was the most effective way to deal with the second task (indeed, his own solution to the second task was a poor one, if he had completely transfigured himself, he could not have cut Hermoine's bonds or carried her to the surface). After that he treated Harry like an equal.

Maxime has her own school to run, but I have to wonder if book 6 or 7 will have a wedding - that of Bill and Fleur. It would give everybody another opportunity to wear dress robes.
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Postby azn wizard » Wednesday 9 July 2003 6:51:52am

i wuz thinking of a wedding too, but on hagrid and maxine instead..hehe
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 9 July 2003 3:45:21pm

yeah, i think there will be a big event like that, cause ron has to wear his new dress robes sometime, he wouldn't have them if he wasn't going to wear them
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Postby Devinci » Wednesday 9 July 2003 5:02:11pm

I think there needs to be something like the Yule ball again....the same idea. Because, come on people, these are can't expect them to go 7 years without contact with one another....unless magic children know something we don't....:???: Hmmmm
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Postby Charis » Thursday 10 July 2003 11:44:19pm

yeah, i think and hope that all three (Krum, Fleur, Maxime) will show up sometime in the later books. i doubt that Krum has completely gotten over Hermione so maybe we'll see something some of that.

I hope there is something kind of like the Yule Ball again, or a wedding would be good :)

the Yule Ball was a good way to introduce some more romantic type of stuff without it seeming like their whole lives revolved around it. and, i certainly hope that romance will not be a major part of their lives, but i'd be dissapointed if there wasn't a little :D
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 3 August 2003 2:19:34pm

I think that it would be kind of cool ir Krum turned up with romantic intrests in Hermoine again, esp if something has started between Ron and Hermoine... I reckon seeing Rons' reactionw oudl be great!

On one hand, Krum is an internationally recignised, and exceptional Quiddich player, something that Ron would love to be, but on the other, he woudl be in competition for the girl, who I personally think that Ron will get!

Anyways, apart from not liking too much romance in the books, I think that little triangle/sinario woudl be pretty good to read about! :D
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Postby gecko » Sunday 3 August 2003 6:21:24pm

Someone posted here on the boards that Krum might become the new DADA-teacher! Now that would be interesting! Someone who's studied at a school led by an ex-death eater would make some DADA-teacher I should think! I do wonder if everyone will be able to follow his lessons, as he spoke English in a way that reminds me of Grawp :P!

As he learned the dark arts at Durmstrang (that's what Draco says they do at Durmstrang, I think), he could prove a very valuable asset to Harry if he's to learn to fight death eaters and Voldemort, don't you think?
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Postby Charis » Sunday 3 August 2003 8:05:24pm

that would be cool if Krum became their DADA teacher, and Harry could probably learn alot from him. on the other hand, Krum could also learn alot from Harry :-)

But, I imagine Krum's pretty busy being the most sought-after quidditch seeker. Also, it might be rather weird/akward him teaching hermione seeing as how he would be teaching someone he really liked (at least he did at one time, if he doesn't now).
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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 3 August 2003 9:27:13pm

Wow, imagine if Fleur married Bill. Wonder what it's gonna be like.
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Postby highsorcerer » Monday 4 August 2003 6:12:44am

Well, Krum is something of a unique person, and it can't be denied that he's very much like Harry. Krum had the maturity to treat Harry like an equal. He never made fun of Harry; in fact he respected him as a flyer.

Krum is the opposite of the Malfoys; he may be talented in magic and Quiddicth, but knows others are equals in magic and in their personality. He respected Harry's talent as a flyer after the first task, and treated Harry as his equal in the Hermoine issue. His relief to find out that Harry wasn't romantically interested in her indicates he viewed Harry as a serious threat. He knew Harry was his equal at the minimum after the first two tasks, and had an edge if it came down to a showdown over Hermoine (who, interestingly, ignored his outer appearance and Quidditch ability equally).
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 2:35:21pm

I am sure we haven't seen the last of these three characters...i am sure they will come to play when it comes to the wizards making friends abroad...and I believe a Ron-Hermione-Krum triangle will come to play later...Fleur and Bill have some potential, and wedding between the two will bring some light heartedness in a darking story later on...

Devinci wrote:I think there needs to be something like the Yule ball again....the same idea. Because, come on people, these are can't expect them to go 7 years without contact with one another....unless magic children know something we don't.... Hmmmm

Do you think Hogwarts has an Prom or some like event???? That would be cool to see another one of those, just because it was hilarious to see harry and ron shaking in their boots over girls...
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Postby Colin » Wednesday 13 August 2003 5:33:43pm

think that it would be kind of cool ir Krum turned up with romantic intrests in Hermoine again, esp if something has started between Ron and Hermoine... I reckon seeing Rons' reactionw oudl be great!

While I expect Victor to make a play for Hermione, I think she is unavailble. She has already picked her mate, and he does not even know it:)

Poor Ron. His life is about to take a change for the different.
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