Before you start new threads...please read!

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Before you start new threads...please read!

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 29 June 2003 8:36:54pm

Hiya everyone! As of right now (29 June), Blaise Zabini and I are the only moderators on this section, so please read the below carefully (which will still apply when we get our final mod, but especially so right now! :D ).

Before you start a new thread, please look carefully to see if your post can't be incorporated into an existing thread or if your idea belongs in another section (book 5 discussions, book 5 theories, or book 5 rumours). I'm currently going through this section right now, and although I would not complain about mod duties (I'm happy and flattered to be a mod), I will say we'll all enjoy the forum experience more with fewer, more concise threads. :-)

Don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of starting threads without seeing if there isn't an existing thread! Just something to keep in mind. If you see changes in this section, it's my attempt to do 'housekeeping' so that you may have a more enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, I cannot merge threads, so I will be moving, splicing, closing, and deleting threads, that last (deleting) being a last resort! :eek:

If we all do our part of making sure we are not adding similar threads or adding threads in incorrect sections, we should all be ok. Again, not complaining about mod duties, just hoping we can all work together to make the forum and easy and enjoyable place to post--having Blaise Zabini on board now is a big help! :grin: Thank you everyone!

~ Lizzy Bee :angel:
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Lizzy Bennet
Angel of Music and Giver of Hugs
Posts: 1214
Joined: Monday 2 June 2003 5:35:18pm

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