
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 23 June 2003 8:17:51pm

I chose a rather vague title, but mostly I wanted to discuss one Death-Eater in particular: Bellatrix Lestrange. However, I'm sure other Death-Eaters, like Lucius Malfoy, for instance, will come up in this thread as well!

Not that the Death-Eaters aren't all evil in their own ways, but she seems particularly heartless. Perhaps it's because we know she damaged Neville's parents (and seems quite gleeful about it), as well as killing Sirius. Nevertheless, we haven't seen the last of her by a long shot...she has at least two young people (Neville *and* Harry) who want to be well rid of her. Whatever happened to her husband, by the way? Does anyone know?

It seems, on the topic of Death-Eaters, Draco wants to get even with Harry about his father, Lucius, but I suspect, Draco's eventually going to get his own heat from Harry. After all, Sirius's elf joined the Malfoy family and so they indirectly caused Sirius's death by setting up Sirius to go to the Department of Mysteries. I know I've read rumours where Draco and Harry eventually team up on the side of good, but I have to wonder what sorts of horrible things would happen before such a pairing would occur, *if* it ever occurs. Any thoughts?

There was a section in the book listing out all the things the released Death-Eaters did...if anyone can find it and wouldn't mind posting it, that might be interesting (I will if I have time!). Also, on a slight tangent, wasn't Ludo Bagman a part of the Ministry as well as a Death-Eater? The reason I ask is if that is true, why couldn't other members be low-key Death-Eaters? Umbridge strikes me as evil and corrupt enough (sending dementors after Harry in addition to a load of other stuff) to be a Death-Eater.

I'll be interested to see where this topic goes...obviously, in later books, the Death-Eaters are going to continue to play a bigger role. I'm still amazed all those kids (Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Neville) got out of the Department of Mysteries basically unscathed (as all their wounds were healable). Also interesting that with Voldemort's rise to power and with so many Slytherin kids' parents being Death-Eaters, we saw and heard remarkable little from that House.
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 24 June 2003 12:50:07am

We know Bellatrix Lestrange was a particularly nasty and unremorseful Death Eater, as evidenced by her, her husband, brother-in-law, an Barty Crouch Jr.'s attempts to find Voldemort after he lost power. They were dedicated enough to bear Azkaban for him. She *DOES* takes particulary glee in causing pain. Harry didn't have the heart for it, but she sure does.

As far as Draco and Harry are concerned, Harry is obvioulsy unafraid of Draco and his cronies. After winning a battle in the big leagues, he's certainly not going to worry about a couple of minor league bullies like Draco and company. Heck, even Dudley is insignifigant anymore.

Ludo Bagman was part of the ministry (and still was until the end of GoF), but never a death eater. He was accussed and aquitted of the charges, confessing to only being something of an idiot. He was associated with Rookwood during his playing days with the Wasps, and was passing information to him, thinking he was on the good guy's side; not Voldemorts.

I have an idea that the Slytherin house was somewhat quiet about Voldemort and the death eaters because they were working in secrecy this year. They are probably in for a worse time next year because it's all been exposed, and some of their fathers have been tossed in Azkaban. They may escape, but their reputations are shattered.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 24 June 2003 1:02:44am

highsorcerer wrote:We know Bellatrix Lestrange was a particularly nasty and unremorseful Death Eater, as evidenced by her, her husband, brother-in-law, an Barty Crouch Jr.'s attempts to find Voldemort after he lost power. They were dedicated enough to bear Azkaban for him. She *DOES* takes particulary glee in causing pain. Harry didn't have the heart for it, but she sure does.

As far as Draco and Harry are concerned, Harry is obvioulsy unafraid of Draco and his cronies. After winning a battle in the big leagues, he's certainly not going to worry about a couple of minor league bullies like Draco and company. Heck, even Dudley is insignifigant anymore.

Ludo Bagman was part of the ministry (and still was until the end of GoF), but never a death eater. He was accussed and aquitted of the charges, confessing to only being something of an idiot. He was associated with Rookwood during his playing days with the Wasps, and was passing information to him, thinking he was on the good guy's side; not Voldemorts.

I have an idea that the Slytherin house was somewhat quiet about Voldemort and the death eaters because they were working in secrecy this year. They are probably in for a worse time next year because it's all been exposed, and some of their fathers have been tossed in Azkaban. They may escape, but their reputations are shattered.

Thanks for clearing up some things for me, highsorcerer! :grin: Where was Bellatrix's husband in the battle scenes and who is Bellatrix's brother-in-law? Barty Crouch, Sr.? I'm having a tough time remembering...I haven't read book 4 in a few months. Barty Crouch, Jr. certainly was a bad seed! I remember Sirius saying, in the 5th book, that all the pure-blood families are related.

My mistake about Bagman...was there someone else connected with the Ministry that was a Death-Eater? Perhaps Umbridge will not become a Death-Eater, but I don't think Harry, personally, has heard the last of her! The Slytherins, with Umbridge's indirect support, may have been planning things indeed, and certainly many of them will be angry about what happens to their parents. There is a new Order of the Phoenix...I wonder if the Death-Eaters might recruit new people as well...from Slytherin? :???:
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 24 June 2003 1:26:30am

I'm not sure Bellatrix's husband was noted particulary in the battle scenes. Bellatrix's brother-in-law was the brother of her husband. It was briefly mentioned by Sirus, I think when he was showing the family tree tapestry to Harry and showing how all pure-blood families were interrelated. Those three, plus Barty Crouch, Jr. were tried, convicted, and sent to Azkaban.

I wouldn't doubt it if the Slytherns were recruited as Voldemort's spies at Hogwarts. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle have death-eater fathers (and we know Lucious is in Azkaban now). They all carry personal grudes against Harry for exposing their fathers (I reject the idea that Harry got them tossed into Azkaban; they got themselves tossed in by their actions; Harry merely exposed them for what they were). The really interesting thing is that it would put Snape in another awkward position. His own house will be spying for Voldemort, and he can't afford to blow his cover. So it's continued hatred to Harry, and favoritism towards Malfoy and company, despite the fact he knows who is on the right side. It's not easy being an OotP spy.
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 8:40:03am

That's exactly why Snape is so important, and why he is so good in Occlumency, so can Voldemort believe he is a bad guy.

Rockwood worked for the Minitry and was a DE Liz.

About Bellatrix, she seems quite powerful, I mean she beated Tonks, then killed Sirius (I still can't believe it, why Sirius), and also beat this other guy I can't remember his name, she escaped DD, and was rescued by Voldemort, so she seems to be one of the most powerful DE, also one of the most loyal. Surely be will be important in next books, and specially in the final battle.
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Postby techjohn » Tuesday 24 June 2003 12:41:29pm

As names seem important in the HP books, i thought I would look-up Bellatrix Lestrange's

Bellatrix = the Female Warrior, and is a star in the Orion constellation

L'estrange = french for foreigner or stranger

What does everyone think about this? :???:
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 4 July 2003 4:24:15pm

techjohn wrote:As names seem important in the HP books, i thought I would look-up Bellatrix Lestrange's

Bellatrix = the Female Warrior, and is a star in the Orion constellation

L'estrange = french for foreigner or stranger

What does everyone think about this? :???:

I definitely agree with what her first name means...she IS a 'female warrior' of devastating proportions! :o :cry:

Not sure about her last name, although, I will say, she seems to be one of the die-hard Death-Eaters, and the only other one I could think of like her (besides her husband) is the late Barty Crouch, Jr. . . . Bellatrix seems to be in a class of her own in the Death-Eaters group . . . not sure what that means in the future . . .

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby choki » Friday 4 July 2003 5:17:07pm

Hey that reminds me of something...Barty Crouch Jr. was with her gang when they tortured Mr and Mrs Longbottom...Probably that gang was the most "die-hard" of all death eaters
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Postby techjohn » Tuesday 8 July 2003 2:29:08pm

I was just reading about Slytherin on the HP Lexicon's site (, and I found these two under the students' section:

Lestrange (wizard) (c. 1970s)
Lestrange (witch, maiden name unknown) (c. 1970s)

It says the last page update was 2002 so it can't have been from the 5th book.

Where were they in the first four? :???:
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 8 July 2003 2:42:06pm

They were in PoA when Harry looked in DD's pensieve to see the Lestrange trail that sent them to Azkaban.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 8 July 2003 3:01:33pm

Gwared wrote:They were in PoA when Harry looked in DD's pensieve to see the Lestrange trail that sent them to Azkaban.

I thought that was Goblet of Fire that he used the pensieve for the first time and saw the Azkaban trials? :???: Am I mistaken? I've seen the pensieve mentioned in connection with book 3 before (by another poster), and I don't remember the pensieve coming up in book 3, because Harry seemed confused by it (as though it were new to him) in book 4. :-? I may very well be mistaken! :grin: If I am, I apologize, and I am not, trust me, I'm not being critical...just checking to make sure I'm not losing information in my brain! :razz:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 8 July 2003 3:10:45pm

It was in GoF, I realised after I posted but couldn't edit it so I left it hoping no one would notice :grin: (Nobody notice, on a HP forum! :-? )
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