Funniest characters?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Funniest characters?

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Wednesday 4 June 2003 2:45:15pm

I think they'll be some obvious answers on this thread :razz: , but at the same time, who makes the reader laugh probably varies somewhat from person to person. When you're reading, who has the best lines or best sense of humor? Feel free to put in quotes of particular funny lines as well! I have a few characters I find humorous (in no particular order!):

Ron: he just comes out with these little comments about things that really make me laugh . . . the best part is that he isn't trying to be funny . . . he just says stuff that people might often think in their minds :D . . . I enjoy a 'second banana' who can deadpan well :-)

Fred and George: of course, their hi-jinks are always good for a laugh, and they are a mischievous and harmless sort . . . I loved when they tried to get at the Goblet of Fire and grew beards instead! :lol:

Professor Lockhart: he was just so ridiculously full of himself

Professor Snape: another great deadpanner whose humor is subtle yet sharp . . . I love his line, "Clearly, fame isn't everything."

Professor McGonagall: I could say the same about her that I said about Snape (though she isn't nearly so negative), but her humor often has a fine *point* to it . . . I loved when she was snarky to Professor Trelawney in book 4!

Seamus, Dean, and Neville: minor characters, but they have their funny moments and situations

Draco: nasty little bu***r :razz: , I only really laugh when he's gotten some of his own medicine back . . . like "Malfoy, the bouncing ferret"! :lol:

Hermione: she has moments where she puts Harry and Ron in their place that I enjoy :razz:

There are probably others, and perhaps I will remember them as this thread continues! Hopefully, those with books nearby can pull out and post some of the funny situations and quotes that are all over the HP series. :D
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Postby Neo » Thursday 5 June 2003 4:50:14am

It seems you have already mention everyone :razz:

I really like Minerva's and Severus' sense of humour.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 5 June 2003 12:48:02pm

Whooops! Sorry about that! :oops: Feel free to repeat any, though, and add your own reasons, and better still, quotes from the book! :D
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 5 June 2003 8:16:28pm

I agree on Sevi and minerva :)

And one I really like is Dumbledore...I have no particular quote, but i remember he had several scenes where I laughed my guts out!
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Postby han lin » Thursday 5 June 2003 9:49:07pm

i think hermione is very funny. she has a sharp wit and makes me chuckle. she comes out with the oddest things sometimes. and i did grin when she decked malfoy.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 7 June 2003 11:01:34pm

I love Snape's little cynicisms. And Dumbledore and his craziness.

Gred and Feorge are the natural choice. And definitely Seamus/Dean/Neville. Some of their moments are great!

Lol, I think that at some point or another, every character has had a hilarious moment!
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Postby Boycey » Sunday 8 June 2003 10:56:12am

I guess that the ones you have mentioned are funny in there own little ways, i guess that the funniest charicture for me is Lockhart, he is so full of himself that some of the lines he comes out with or the reactions he does are really funny. But I think my favorite line in the harry potter series the one that really made me laugh was Ron in divisions class talking to Lavender Brown (page 178 Brit version, GOF),

"it is Uranus my dear, said professor Trelawney, peering down at the charts,
Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender? said Ron"

Now I don't know if JKR ment that (and I think she did), but that is one funny line.
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Postby Neo » Monday 9 June 2003 4:06:35am

the best line is the one Zab has already mentioned, "But we are not stupid, we know we are Gred and Feorge"
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Postby June » Thursday 26 June 2003 7:46:49am

You know, everybody seems to have their funny moments.. except Harry. At least, I can't think of any off the top of my head. Can anyone think of any scene where Harry was being amusing?
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Postby molli » Saturday 28 June 2003 1:03:23am

i love mcgonagall's humor and i adore peeves. :grin:
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Postby bludy mery » Saturday 28 June 2003 4:58:53pm

Whel... realy Harry isn't so funny... I think fred and george are KINGS... I read all the books in Hebrew till now... so I don't know how it is English... some thing about percy they said that on the car there will be written: "p.w" wich means OK in hebrew its
פוץ ואידיוט
:???: in English is something (don't know how to translate) and ediot..... whatever any howw it was so funny!!! I blast every time I read it...

and snape is allsow funny in a evil way... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby Diamond Angel » Wednesday 2 July 2003 4:05:04am

Originally quoted by June:
You know, everybody seems to have their funny moments.. except Harry. At least, I can't think of any off the top of my head. Can anyone think of any scene where Harry was being amusing?

I think JK tries on purpose to make sure Harry doesn't say funny stuff. I mean, think about it: Harry's popular, rich, nice, famous, a hero, and a really really really good Quidditch player. Add any more to that and people might start to think Harry's too perfect. Maybe it's just me, though .... :D
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 2 July 2003 3:13:43pm

Oh wow, yeah - I agree with Diamond Angel, Harry would be way too perfect that way. :)
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Postby HuffleDuck » Thursday 3 July 2003 12:12:20am

:drums: Umbridge makes way for humor.
Fred & George
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Postby Gryffindor Student » Monday 7 July 2003 4:06:37am

I think Fred and George are so funny! They make me laugh with thier sarcasm. Harry has him brieg moments. Hermione, the part i liked best with her is when she slapped Malfoy. And Ron is pretty funny too. I mean he has sarcasm just like his brothers.
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