Least Favorite NEW Character After Reading Book 5 (spoilers)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Who is your least fave new HP character?

Cho, Ravenclaw
Umbridge, "The High Inquisitor"
Fudge, the "Minstry of Magic"
Bellatrix, "Murderess of Sirius/Death-Eater"
Zacharias, Ravenclaw
Kreacher, the House Elf
Grawp, Hagrid's Brother
Luna, Ravenclaw
Magorian, the Centaur
Marietta, Cho's Friend
Other New Character (please post name on the thread)
Total votes : 130

Postby Nikki » Tuesday 5 July 2005 8:03:39pm

Snape is my second favorite char., my first is Lupin, and Sirius isnt that bad, i haveta admit, i watched the second disc and the guy who plays Sirius looks nothin' like him in real life, it was freaky, the shruken head was doin' an interview w/ him and David aka Lupin
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Tuesday 5 July 2005 8:07:34pm

OMG!!! Sirius is ahhh was my favourite character!!
And James he was cool too!!! :grin:
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Postby Nikki » Tuesday 5 July 2005 8:14:43pm

Ok, if this will make every1 feel better, every1 in book 5 was cool excpet Umbridge, 'k?
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Postby niki_192 » Friday 8 July 2005 2:44:24pm

[b][b]i really hated Umbridge!!!!!!!!! she made me sick.....thinking shes so good and everything....always trying to get into other people's business and make it hers...... thinking shes better than everybody else and has special rights and deserves special treatment!
I HATE HER SOOO MUCH! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Postby Dutchess42 » Thursday 28 July 2005 10:22:21pm

I hated Umbridge too.

My favorite all time is Lupin but for the new ones it's Luna. She has a good heart and adds a lot of humor (though that is not her intention.) :D[/u]
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Postby pheonixrising » Monday 1 August 2005 2:51:32am

there is no form of punishment terrible enough for the crime of killing sirius
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Postby Curiouser » Friday 19 August 2005 2:20:01am

Can't stand that Cho girl.

I hate her more than Umbridge, even.


Cho is one of those popular, pretty girls, and all she ever did was make everything be about her. She's an insult to Ravenclaws everywhere, because if she was smart, she'd recognize how much Harry was going through. Maybe she didn't know about the Order or Sirius, but she had to know that the newspapers were constantly humiliating him on a semi-daily basis. The only times she ever showed Harry any real compassion, or rather, any time she ever really complimented Harry was when everyone else started to look up to him (i.e. the meeting at the Hogshead). She cornered him only after she realized that everyone else liked him (after the DA meeting) Of course, even then she was really just slobbering all over him. And then, she doesn't even have the decency to properly break up with Harry! Just a little glance through a window on the train home. Now, Harry's not my favorite character, not by a long shot. But still, I feel bad for him for having to put up with her for that long. And good god, woman, stop with the waterworks! If you must cry, at least try to hold it in until you get some privacy! Nobody likes a sniveling dripping mess, no matter how pretty she is!

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Postby Hagrid's girl » Wednesday 31 May 2006 3:19:30pm

I hated Fudge and Umbridge, both 2 absolutley vile characters i think McGonagall is great
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 1 June 2006 1:35:21pm

I actually found Grawp a bit boring but really liked Umbridge and Bella. They give the story meat and bring a passion to Harry.
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Postby Saffy » Sunday 25 June 2006 6:52:51pm

Hey, its me again!
See, i dont really stop!
I just HATE Umbrige. I picture her so ugly and mean and sligh. I dont know a soul who likes her. Maybe because i dont really mix with HP fans.

read you soon,
Saffy xxx
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Postby honey moon » Saturday 14 October 2006 6:13:08pm

umbige..that's clear..
uh..she's soo ugly..and nasty and mean....
i really really dislike her
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Postby Chimera » Saturday 14 October 2006 7:15:20pm

Umbridge is a very familiar character, in many ways she's akin to the nazgul from LOTR. She has no personal interest one way or the other in how things turn out other than that she has bound her political fate to that of Fudge's, and if his career dies so does hers. She will misuse her position as much as she can get away with in order to keep Fudge in office, regardless of who else she might actually harm by doing so. The wraiths, likewise, live only for so long as Sauron lives, so they serve his interests in order to prolong their own lives, and for little else besides that.

What makes the character so believable is that the same mindset and the same behaviour has been observed in the actions of real-life political bureaucrats the world over. Death camps, torture chambers and internment camps throughout history - including Auschwitz - have been staffed by clones of Dolores Umbridge. Umbridge has started wars abroad and shot at civilians at home, with the result that millions have died for no better reason than because it looked good on somebody's C.V. To quote Louis Armstrong: "what a wonderful world..."
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Postby Alexandra » Saturday 14 October 2006 7:55:29pm

I voted for Fudg, he is so annoying! I don't like persons who are so blind and who are running from the truth because it is too frightening. :mad:
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 28 December 2006 5:37:34pm

I hate Umbriges cough and her quill and the hold she has on the government and her standardization. She's kind of like my principal at school. Only he's a guy
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Postby Alexandra » Friday 29 December 2006 2:03:48am

I know what you mean. Same with my principal :mad:
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