Voldemort's Immortality - how concrete is it?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 9 January 2006 6:10:53pm

If Voldemort knows of a Horcrux being destroyed, does he make a new one, then? Does his idea of a seven-part soul mean that there have to be seven parts, or that the original soul should be divided into seven parts? That's quite a difference, because the first option would mean that he'd make a new one as soon as one is destroyed. How many times can you split a soul, anyway?

Well I for one remember that Dumbledore once said that spliting your soul in two is already a big deal. So I suppose when LV made that soul splitting in seven he might have already took this to the maximum. I mean "soul" is one big thing, big as in important. And I don't think it's that easy to cut from it all you want. Weierd but I even think that it hurts spliting your soul. And hurts almost unbearable. So I think that even if he knows some of the horcruxes have been found, he won't go for another one.

You know, if you had 1000 years to defeat Voldemort, it would actually be quite simple.
Every few years you'd one or two people would go and have a crack at one of the horcruxes. As has been revealed, destroying one isn't that hard. Both of them may die, but they would not die in vain, because in another 100 years, another will come along etc.

:grin: Don't you think that's a bit cruel? I know that there are a lot of humans out there, but from a personal perspective we are all precious and unique. You can't just send people out to die...even if it is for a greater purpose. You can only do it at your will. And even if they offer themselves for this...Still it sounds a bit cruel to me :grin: (no offence :) )

And back on the topic. I actaully never went through all that's been written here so sory if I repeat someone else's ideea. But supposing a soul lives in a human body for a lifetime. Considering wizards age let's say about 100-200 years (I don't know for sure, just aproximatly). So wouldn't that mean he has like 7*100 or 7*200 years to live? And not imortal... Or how do this horcrux work? :???:
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 11 January 2007 2:19:40am

if v just kept on making horcruxes, would the part of soul in his body get so small his body would change? and if you make 2 horcruxes, and then made another, would all your soul be distributed equaly into your horcruxes, or would part of the peice in your body become the horcrux? if the latter is true, you would naturly want to protect your first horcrux the most, as it would have the most soul. so when destroying them, if you started with the first and ended with the last, it keep on geting easier as you go. :-?
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