Funniest characters?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Phinea Rogue » Saturday 24 January 2004 5:32:09pm

Of course, Fred and George are perfect, I loooove them. Who wouldn't? But then also Snape's humour is funny in its own sarcastic way ('I see no difference.') and how can I forget Lockheart? 'Harry, Harry, Harry...' :D
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Postby natasha » Sunday 22 February 2004 6:27:53pm

Has to be Fred and George!!!! so cool!!!!!!
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Postby ganymede » Tuesday 29 June 2004 1:45:49pm

the weasleys are HILARIOUS!!! :lol: they rock!
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Postby Nightcrawler » Tuesday 29 June 2004 4:48:48pm

Whoever played Lochart in the movies was pretty damned hillarius. So I guess Lochart would be my favourite.

Although Dumbledore's eccentricity always brings a smile to my face.

I'm going to go against the grain here and say that Harry has his moments of hilarity. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that when he is with the Dursleys... he's a comic genius! Some of the things Harry thinks about Dudly always make me laugh. His description of him as a "pig in a wig", his mentioning of Dudley taking up an entire table, his suggestion that the toilet might be sick if Dudley stuck his head in it, the inflation of his aunt, etc. etc.

Then there was that line about Draco's mother, something along the lines of "Does she always look as though she has a foul smell under her nose, or was it just because she was standing next to you?"

The whole Dursly household is quite humerous. Especially Uncle Vernon.

Personally, I don't find the twins all that funny, and in the movies I found them downright annoying. Guess that proves what a freak I am :razz:
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Postby TomFeltonLover939 » Friday 2 July 2004 10:40:20pm

i love ron! he is definitly my favorite when it comes to funny...

and then fred and george come in second for sure
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Postby Skye Tessier » Saturday 31 July 2004 6:21:25pm

I think the twins because its the twins

um ron defiently because just how he asks like "Can we panic now." or "I'm glad no one paniced." and how Hermione and Harry look at him like yeah right.

then Malfoy can be funny like defiently when hes a bouncing ferret and when he gets hit by Hermione.
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Postby fairy_princess » Wednesday 4 August 2004 1:41:07pm

The Weasley family!! They rock!!
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Sunday 20 February 2005 3:33:19am

Fred n Georgie DUH :eek: :lol: they crack me up...and then Tonks with Sirius, lol... :cry: :cry:
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Postby rivsfan » Tuesday 29 March 2005 2:30:48am

Fred and George are the best.
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Postby Cedric » Tuesday 29 March 2005 4:46:49am

Jordan Lee is really funny when he commentates Quidditch games. The the Weasly's...nothing needs said about them. Ron and Hermione make a funny pair always arguing about something. DD has some serious but noticable humor. And Snape, he just says odd funny cr*p all the time.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 29 March 2005 9:44:20am

I just thought of this. One of my favourite moments has to be when Peeves is trying to undo the lights or something, and Minerva walks down the hall and whispers to him "It unscrews the other way." Together this proves how she has a great sense of humour, and how much she hates Umbridge :grin:
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Postby Cedric » Tuesday 29 March 2005 3:39:43pm

Oh yeah, haha I had forgotten about that. That was a funny period at Hogwarts.
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Postby rivsfan » Wednesday 30 March 2005 2:09:17am

I do like jordan lee when he commentates. Hes even funny off of the grounds. I just like the whole school.
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Postby cokeboy99 » Wednesday 30 March 2005 2:43:31am

I think Luna is rather funny at times. :)
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 1 April 2005 10:28:45am

Yeah she can be sort of odd funny, and laughing funny at the same time lol.
It really is probably the funniest series of chapter in all the books. The parts when Fred and George don't care about making havoc because DD isn't around. They should have done that so much earlier lol.
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