Your Animagus form....what are you?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 28 February 2005 3:12:11am

The gre(a)y of the sweater is gre(a)yer than Snape's gre(a)ying

Actually, Tanuki, my dictionary doesn't agree with you. It says

grey (especially BrE) (AmE usually gray) =
1) adj: the gre(a)y sweater;
2) noun: the dull gre(a)y of the sky;
3) verb: his hair was gre(a)ying.

In English lessons, we couldn normally choose if we wanted to use AmE or BrE, but we got a mistake everytime we switched. Really mean.

And be nice to each other, will you? No insults! *grins moderator grin*
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Monday 28 February 2005 10:51:16pm

dont worry, i was just joking. i have alot of american friends, and we all have "discussions" about various words all the time. i kno it doesnt matter in hte slightest.

but... its still loads of fun saying english words to see how americans react. FRIES DO NOT EXIST. U CALL THEM CHIPS. WHAT U CALL CHIPS ARE ACTUALLY CALLED CRISPS!!!!!! there, i let it all out :grin:
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Tuesday 1 March 2005 1:52:27am

:eek: Wow sorry i started all of this... :lol: :lol: lol maybe i shoulda used blue... :grin: i still dunno what ype of dragon i should be...maybe a norweigan ridgeback, nice n rare lol! but i still gotta be red...deep, pure, blood-red. hey, i want my scales to chenga color according to my feelings!!! that would be AWESOME!!! :lol:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 1 March 2005 3:43:11am

But what if you want to hide your feelings and your skin just gives it away? Why not be a multi-coloured dragon? Maybe purple with yellow polka dots, and a Malfoyblood-blue tail?

And Hagger, Freedom Fries sounds so much better than Freedom Chips! :lol: Food is so confusing, after all those years of learning English I can discuss slavery, but I'm lost in a Wendy's. :lol:
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 1 March 2005 4:41:34pm

Don't ever call them freedom fries; you insult every American who is neither inbred nor an a**hole when you do that
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Friday 4 March 2005 2:06:19am

:eek: Really? I call them Freedom Fries, even at the Fireplace (Restraunt) they changed the billboard to say Freedom Fries.
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 4 March 2005 3:30:01am

Why would you do that. It's the stupidest, most childish decision I've seen them make. "France doesn't agree with us, let's change the name!"

As it is, I'm not fond of our president's Cowboy Diplomacy
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Postby Nightcrawler » Friday 4 March 2005 12:20:36pm


I hate political correctness. I read an article in the paper the other day about how many textbooks are now using B.C.E. (Before Common Erra) instead of B.C. (Before Christ).

Cos, y'know, as an atheist, I can't tell you how many times I've been offended out of my mind whenever someone says BC. Have they no regard for my nonbelief? How dare they!

For those that may not have guessed, that last part was sarcasm.

I see no reason to change a word or phrase that has been cultrully accepted to the point where any original connotations have dissapeared.

BC means a long time ago. Fries mean potatoes cooked in oil. Why change these words? Does anyone really care?

Anyway. In Australia the term "chips" can reffer to either fries or crisps. Simple yet, effective.

Oh, and just so that we are not getting off topic: I still think it would be cool to be a Godzilla animagi.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Friday 4 March 2005 6:43:01pm

i kno how u feel, nightcrawler. its just that kind of conversation is started all the time between me and my american friends it is just a bit of harmless joking around.

i do hate alot of political correctness. its so pointless. why waste time on it? seriously? how many people would be seriously offended by me saying "crisps, not chips. and fries isnt a word." its kinda annoying, people could spend money and time on worthwhile things, but they enter pointless court battles about things that dont matter. it does annoy me.

back on topic, i think a small animal is better. it is easier to move around as a squirrel, and u r a smaller target. while godzilla sticks out like a thumb that has been hit by a camera in a cartoon. plus, its fun being small and fast.
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 5 March 2005 10:11:13pm

Nightcrawler wrote:Ugh.
Cos, y'know, as an atheist, I can't tell you how many times I've been offended out of my mind whenever someone says BC. Have they no regard for my nonbelief? How dare they!

Oh, and just so that we are not getting off topic: I still think it would be cool to be a Godzilla animagi.

As a theist, you and I are now at odds

The Godzilla animagi would rocks my socks

Still a tanuki
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Postby Nightcrawler » Sunday 6 March 2005 6:24:59am

I'm more of an agnostic/weak atheist.

What's a Tanuki? Sounds Japanese.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 6 March 2005 10:38:38pm

i changed my mind.i think it would be a cheetah, because i am different. cheetahs are different from the cat family in many ways.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 6 March 2005 11:44:16pm

Nightcrawler wrote:I'm more of an agnostic/weak atheist.

What's a Tanuki? Sounds Japanese.

It is. Its a real animal with mythical tie ins
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Tuesday 8 March 2005 3:45:03am


That should help a bit...

BTW Dragons still beat Godzilla. Red ones at least.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 8 March 2005 6:24:57pm

nah, dragons r way too slow

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