Mr Malfoy and Snape

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 1 May 2003 9:52:03pm

About Lucius, I agree with Sonkem that Snape has no other choice than acting the way he does.
But Karkaroff surely knows about Snape being a spy. Remember the Pensieve scene in GoF? When Karkaroff accused Snape of being a DE, Dumbledore answered that Snape had been working as a spy for the good side.
Voldie never spoke about anyone betraying him, neither Karkaroff's nor Snape's. The question is why?
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Postby Neo » Friday 2 May 2003 4:00:51am

I think that when Voldemort mentions the one that will have to die is the spy, and if Voldemort know about Snape because of Quirrel, then Snape wouldn't have gone to the meeting of the DE.
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Postby choki » Friday 2 May 2003 8:27:01am

i think nobody except Dumbledore knows Snape is the spy
not even Malfoy
at the end of book 4 Dumbledore asked Snape to go back as a spy again surely he would know he will be sending Snape to his death if Voldemort knows
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 2 May 2003 12:41:25pm

We don't know for sure that DD sent him to Voldie as a spy...he asked him to do some kind of secret task, what exactly hasn't been specified.

or maybe, after finding out what Snape did, Voldie convinced him to come back and the one to die is someone else. You know, anything is possible with JKR! :D
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 2 May 2003 12:49:39pm

why would voldemort explain anything to all of them....he would only explain what the person needed to know to do the task...that way if person gets caught and given that truth serum only a small amount of info could be taken from them....

i dont think anyone knows snape is a spy except dumbledore and perhaps voldemort...but i dont think he realised until after...probably while he was with Quirrel....otherwise would snape have survived if volde had been powerful when he discovered it

i dont think Lucius knew what the diary really was either...i think he only knew as much as he told Draco.....

Voldemort would have to be rather stupid to tell all his death eaters everything....and he doesnt strike me as someone that stupid....
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 2 May 2003 2:22:00pm

Voldemort would have to be rather stupid to tell all his death eaters everything....and he doesnt strike me as someone that stupid....

Of course he wouldn't in a normal situation. But it was not until the end of the last book that he could do without their help. And many of the things we've been discussing, like that one of Lucius and the diary, happened at a time when Voldemort depended on the remaining DE's help.
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 2 May 2003 7:07:32pm

but he didnt....its mentioned in book four i think that the only DE's he got in contact with were crouch and pettigrew....none of the others tried to find Voldemort and voldeort couldnt try to find them because he was too weak and could not travell without quirrel and later pettigrew's help

Quirrel wasnt a DE...he accidently got caught up with with voldemort in his round the world trip to further his studies into defense against the dark arts
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Postby Neo » Saturday 3 May 2003 7:21:25am

Of course everthing is possible in Jo's world, butstill seems very unlikely tome that Snape went with the DE.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 5 May 2003 4:06:11pm

I just thought of something. It was discussed before taht Karakoff might have told Voldie that Snape turned spy, becuase he heards about it at his trial. But my qn would be, why would he tell Voldie> Remember, he's too scared to go back, because he betrayed alot of DE's... So he's ahrdly going to be goign up to them offering them info... and no one could find Voldie, so it's not like he could have just SMSed him!!!

Also, I would have assumed that almost all of the DE's were on a need to know basis, especially with the names of other DE's. Otherwise, why would htey wear masks infront of eachother? Maybe there woudl hav been a group of the higher up ones, like Lucious and Snape that knew more, but I doubt that they knew all!

And Voldie was too weak to get intouch with other DE's before e got his body back, andPetigrew was too much of a wimp to let him do things! And I'd say he was too mad with all the ones who didnt ty to find him to let them in on his plans before he got his body back, just incase!

Okay, I think that's about enough of m opinions for now!!!
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 5 May 2003 8:32:44pm

I just thought of something. It was discussed before taht Karakoff might have told Voldie that Snape turned spy, becuase he heards about it at his trial.

I just think he might have told Lucius, not Voldie.
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 6 May 2003 4:37:23am

Yeah, we assume Voldemort knows because of Quirrel
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Postby littlelib » Tuesday 6 May 2003 8:47:49am

Also, I would have assumed that almost all of the DE's were on a need to know basis, especially with the names of other DE's. Otherwise, why would htey wear masks infront of eachother? Maybe there woudl hav been a group of the higher up ones, like Lucious and Snape that knew more, but I doubt that they knew all!

Yeah but at the end of the 4th book Voldie says the the DEs everyones names coz Harry hears them!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 6 May 2003 11:47:16am

I was working on the theory that there were more people on Voldie's side that just the DE's... I think I explained stuff badly before. I think there would have been people like Petigrew who were working for him, but not DE's. And I know that he was a spy and all, but also people like those at trial with Barty Crouch Jr... they weren't mentioned at the meeting as being in Azkaban, but they are badies... I'm thinking the DE's are his high up select group of people, who all know eachother, but there are a whole bunch of other people, who are bad, yet not DE's...

Also, with the Quirell thing, here's something else I though of... Voldie wasn't with Quirell all the time, right? Like when he was staying in the forest, trying to catch unicorns! He couldnt' have been there all the time, or Harry would have had those head pains in his DADA classes. So what if Quirell was too afraid to tell Voldie about Snape's threatening him. Because Quirell wouldn't have known that Snape used to be a DE, would he? And he seemed like he was very scared of Voldie, *as you would be!*

anyways, that's justwhat I was thinking!!!
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 6 May 2003 1:59:26pm

Voldie was with Quirrell when Harry confronted them and was surprised that Snape wasn't the one to steal the SS. If Voldie hadn't known until that point, he would have found out then.

I believe there are a lot of different people supporting Voldemort in one way or another, but I think his true followers are all DEs. In my opinion, all the Death Eater rituals, the robes, the masks and the dark mark have don't only have practical reasons but also psychological ones. They create a strong sense of community that not only attracts people but also leads to a greater loyality. I'm sure, for some, the DEs are a kind of family substitute, whereas people like Lucius are always on the side of the most powerful. Just look at Barty jr, it works, and it is also the reason why so many creatures that have been excluded from the 'normal wizard society', like giants or vampires joined "Voldie's happy family".
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 6 May 2003 3:44:15pm

I like that! It makes alot of sense when you think about it that way!

Another qn... are there actually vampires in the magical world of HP?
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