I think Hermione will be killed off.

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Postby Zoe » Sunday 15 January 2006 6:31:54pm

I disagree,why would J.K Rowling Kill Hermione off?
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 15 January 2006 7:43:47pm

I do think you should state some arguments on why you don't believe that. :D
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Re: I think Hermione will be killed off.

Postby Asphodel » Sunday 15 January 2006 7:54:06pm

DarkSoul wrote:I Think Hermione would be a big Target to the Death Eaters as she is a Mugblood that is exceptionally powerful And therefore undermines there theory that Pure Blood Wizards are more superior. Can't say I'll be sad to see her go as she is a bit annoying.

A bit annoying, maybe, but she's just as brave... if not braver than.... Harry and Ron.
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Postby Bextra » Sunday 22 January 2006 6:21:00am

She won't kill Hermione off, she's too important to the plot.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 22 January 2006 6:51:55pm

I think he means at the end of the book.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 23 January 2006 11:15:22am

Oh come on... that's all I can say. There doesn't need to be a reason.

In my first post ever at BaO (a year ago tomorrow) I was slammed by Tanuki for being as blunt as an axe.

I. Will. Do. It. Again.

Hermione will not die.

Ron will not die.

Personally I don't think Harry dying will affect the plot too much :lol: !

No, he might (won't) die... it'd be wrong to comment on Harry.

But on Hermione and Ron. Face it.

They will be the first targets for anyone looking to face Harry.

I am almost positive that at some stage during the book Harry will think one of them is dead. That's basically a necessity of every book like this...

But honestly... it's my opinion and all... but if you do think one or both of them will die...

Just wait and see. :-?
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 25 January 2006 2:37:27am

I think it'd be poor writing to kill off Hermione and Ron. Unless evil conquers at the end of the book, which is certainly a possibility.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 29 January 2006 11:36:33am

Okay.. I can give you that.

If evil conquers, she can kill off everyone as far as I care :o .
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 1 February 2006 1:10:59am

Some think she's going to end with two possible endings. Evil conquering, and good conquering. They think that it'll be like this philosophical thing, like either way is bad, because either way it's conquering.... but I don't believe it. Not enough clues to support it.
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Postby Kim » Friday 11 August 2006 6:32:04pm

I really hope that she doesn't get killed off, although i'd rather she is than harry.
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Postby Alexandra » Monday 14 August 2006 12:18:38am

there is no way that hermione will die
she is too clever
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 14 August 2006 2:02:52pm

JKR says that hermione is very much like her in real life, I can't imagine her wanting to kill her off
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Postby kp-peanut » Monday 14 August 2006 4:19:48pm

Agreed :grin:
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Postby Simatra » Monday 27 November 2006 9:03:33pm

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Re: I think Hermione will be killed off.

Postby vixy » Saturday 5 July 2008 5:50:50pm

Sorry, but I kinda hink she ain't gonna be killed off seen as she is a main character that is a girl, plus I heard Ron was gonna be killed off but he never was... but still he could :-? anyway, lets just expect the unexpected :D x
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