I know that everyone is pretty upset and discusted with Percy's behavior, but if I could interject a point; DD has stated several times that unity is the real wepon that the wizarding world has that will stop Volemort's return to power.
With the fact that JKR uses a great deal of symbolism in her writing;
might it not be possible that Percy's troubles with his family mirror the rift in the wizarding world.
All through OotP Percy was at war with the family while the MoM was at war (in the press) with DD and Harry.
Now that DD and Harry have been proven right for all to see the ministry is no longer at odds with them, so doesn't it follow that JKR will have a reconsilliation happen between Percy and his family. As the wizarding world comes together to fight this war I believe that the Weasley family will also come together.
I have always seen the Weasley family unity as a becon for the rest of the story. They represent the stronghold that love provides. (You know all that
The Ties That Bind stuff) and we all know how Moldy Voldy feels about love.
Maybe when all of the wounds are healed and the wizarding world faces Voldemort united in love he will falter.
OMG I think I just might get sick! That is too sappy even for me