Percy Weasley

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby L'Oeil de Râ » Thursday 11 March 2004 10:15:01pm

I don't like Percy: he is a traitor :evil:. I hope he will die because he caused a lot of sadness to his family particularly Molly and it's unpardonable
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Postby paintballdecoy » Thursday 11 March 2004 10:48:34pm

Yeah, but Molly wont want him dead, remember thats her worst fear, her family dead including Percy
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Postby L'Oeil de Râ » Friday 12 March 2004 1:13:54pm

Yes, Molly loves all her family but it's not the same thing with his brothers and his sister: they won't forget. So there is a dilemma: Molly wants that Percy come back home but Ron, Bill... doesn't want it. In this context all family must be united and it's not the case with the Weasley, so the decision about percy is very difficult to take
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Postby Nobby » Friday 12 March 2004 9:28:51pm

His stubborness will lead him into trouble.

i reckon percy will be so stubborn that it will result in one of his family dying as a result
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Postby Gower » Friday 12 March 2004 11:34:50pm

L'Oeil de Râ wrote:Yes, Molly loves all her family but it's not the same thing with his brothers and his sister: they won't forget. So there is a dilemma: Molly wants that Percy come back home but Ron, Bill... doesn't want it. In this context all family must be united and it's not the case with the Weasley, so the decision about percy is very difficult to take

I think they will all want him back if he comes back soonish. Sure, they'll be a few uncomfortable moments, but I think they could forgive him.
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Postby Nobby » Friday 12 March 2004 11:39:09pm

the weasleys have great big hearts! of course he will be forgiven
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Postby Gower » Saturday 13 March 2004 12:08:31am

He will be forgiven, unless he does something worse than he has so far... like turning one of his family to the dementors... :o
Hermione said in Gof that Percy,'would never turn over one of his family to the dementors' I'm not even so sure anymore.... :eek:
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 13 March 2004 3:12:03am

I have just remembere something, Ron said something joking about how Percy would given someone up to the dementors if they got in his way. It was something like this, not exact, but something. COuld this be another time when joking Ron leads to big trouble?
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Postby Alice I » Saturday 13 March 2004 4:06:44am

Remember in GoF when Ron came up out of the lake. Percy was beside himself with worry for him. He may be a bit of a jerk, but he still loves his family.

Paintballdecoy wrote:
I have just remembere something, Ron said something joking about how Percy would given someone up to the dementors if they got in his way. It was something like this, not exact, but something. COuld this be another time when joking Ron leads to big trouble?

That was also in GoF. Ron said that Percy would "Do a Crouch" and turn in Fred and George for blackmailing someone because he is very ambitious.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 13 March 2004 5:56:42am

Thats the one, never mind
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Postby Gower » Saturday 13 March 2004 12:14:17pm

That's what i was referring to, maybe that was forshadowing by JK :eek:
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Postby Groo » Friday 9 April 2004 7:20:57pm

i dont think Percy will die. he is not that much of a significant character and JK wouldnt want people to feel sympathy for him (actually , i wouldnt want that :razz: )

i think he doesnt need to swallow his ego to come back to the Weasleys. he would just see that returning would be beneficial for his prospects at the ministry and straightaway return. the weasleys (read Molly) would forgive him.But he would have lost respect in their eyes.
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Sunday 2 May 2004 4:34:00pm

Hey you all - so many intelligent thoughts on such a stupid & conformistic pighead, Percy :grin:
I think of Penelope, his girlfriend (how the hell can she stand him?! :evil: ). Penelope is a mudblood. Death Eaters might capture and torture her, Percy will open his eyes and come home, his ego lost on the way. He'll cry for help, but because he's Gryffindor, he might try to save her himself? :???:

I certanly don't think Molly would die to save him - she has to think about her 6 other kids, right? In the OoP she was most concerned about Ginny and Ron because they're still immature and haven't finished school yet.

Percy's behaviour leads to Dementing or death of one of his family members??? Maybe - Ron's jokes are prophecies! --> Offtopic, but funny: Imagine Ron's rage when he hears he could substitute for Trelawney's class :lol: Ron screaming: ''I won't be the assistant of the old bat!'' :lol:
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 6 May 2004 8:12:35pm

I know that everyone is pretty upset and discusted with Percy's behavior, but if I could interject a point; DD has stated several times that unity is the real wepon that the wizarding world has that will stop Volemort's return to power.
With the fact that JKR uses a great deal of symbolism in her writing;
might it not be possible that Percy's troubles with his family mirror the rift in the wizarding world.

All through OotP Percy was at war with the family while the MoM was at war (in the press) with DD and Harry.

Now that DD and Harry have been proven right for all to see the ministry is no longer at odds with them, so doesn't it follow that JKR will have a reconsilliation happen between Percy and his family. As the wizarding world comes together to fight this war I believe that the Weasley family will also come together.

I have always seen the Weasley family unity as a becon for the rest of the story. They represent the stronghold that love provides. (You know all that The Ties That Bind stuff) and we all know how Moldy Voldy feels about love.

Maybe when all of the wounds are healed and the wizarding world faces Voldemort united in love he will falter. :angel:

OMG I think I just might get sick! That is too sappy even for me :lol:
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Friday 7 May 2004 1:50:24am

Has this point been made before?....Percy's behavior/demeanor is a little like Tom Riddle
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