Petunia Dursley

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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 20 August 2003 11:54:03pm

I think it is possible that the senior evans could be squibs (or at least one of them) because being a squib is shameful, and even wizards don't associate with squibs...they are absent from the wizard world, but yet undetand what i going on...look how the wizard world had no idea about Figgy, the wizard world might not have known about the evans because of the shame connected with being squibs...therefor Lily might have claimed to be muggle born out of sheer empathy for her parents and sister, who were shamed to be squibs...
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harry's squib grandparents?

Postby pinky p » Wednesday 27 August 2003 9:00:33pm

highsorcerer, i think that is a good theory.

i'm interested in harry's grandparents. were lily and petunia's parents squibs? i think they new something of the magical world, or else they wouldn't have acted as they did to Lily's being a witch. ('How wonderful, we have a wizard in the family")

also, jk rowling never says whether or not they are dead or alive could harry have grandparents? and what about james parents? are they still alive?
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 27 August 2003 10:40:36pm

I want to know about Harry's (both sets) of grandparents, too. Maybe there's more to them than just the nice, wizarding family. I doubt they're alive, though... whether Dumbledore wanted him to or not Harry would have gone to live with them after his parents died, wouldn't he?
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 11 September 2003 2:06:32am

Hi there!

I have two "theories" on Petunia.
1) I heard somewhere that "someone will manage to do magic late in life, which is very rare in the world JKR is writing" (or something similar... :D ). When I was reading OotP I re-remembered that. I firstly thought about Mrs. Figg. Squib, linked to Magic.... But Petunia knows about dementors and gives an excuse rather peculiar (i just don't believe that excuse) when Vernon wonders how she knows that.

2) Some times (I think five, six times) it is said that McGonagall makes her mouth look like Petunia's. Can they have some relationship?

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Postby helen duncan » Monday 3 November 2003 8:06:40pm

i don't think that petunia has magical powers at all but i do think that there is a kind of contract between dumbeldore and her about harry (memorize the howler). i do understand why the magical world doesn't really fit into her opinion of the world, you just have to think about all the rumble her familiy made about lily and magic, the fact that this magical world is the point why lily had to die (and maybe her parents, but nobody knows and i think it is a bit weird that it isn't mentioned yet). but maybe it was another aspect of the contract that petunia had to do everything to keep harry away from the magical world (maybe her marriage was an arranged one...). and as far as i know: harry is untouchable as long as he is IN the dursley-house (not in the garden or on the street but in the house) so i think there is the hidden clue! the house, thze power of the house and the contract between dumbeldore and petunia, don't you think so?
and: of course she knows about the magical world, she lived with it and she isn't that stupid!!!
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Postby Snuffles Keeper » Thursday 6 November 2003 4:23:38am

I have always wondered how Lili could be an exceptional witch while her full sister had no magical powers at all. :???:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 6 November 2003 2:55:52pm

I thought it was normal.... I mean how can Hermoine be such a great witch if her parents have no magic at all.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 6 November 2003 3:36:00pm

Well if you look scientifically and make it a recessive gene... yeah, it weel could be....

Lol, we shoul make a theory of how witches and wizards are born!!!!! :grin:
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Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 6 November 2003 8:48:30pm

Well, there are a number of ways you might explain it, though genetics seem to be the best theory to work with. Pure-bloods generally produce magical children (Squibs are rare). There are plenty of half bloods who can use magic (Hagrid, Voldemort, and Seamus Finnigan to name a few). We know of at least 5 person who had two non magical parents (Lily Evans Potter, Dean Thomas, Hermoine Granger, Colin Creevey, and Dennis Creevey). Following the genetic line, recessive genes would account for muggle-born wizards (though both Creevey brothers would defy probabilty, though not possibility), otherwise you could put it down to mutation (which is about the only way to account for Squibs along the genetic line).

Third factor intrevention would be another, with genetic predisposition would be another working theory. This would be similar to the way the Force works in the Star Wars Universe, with midi-chlorins providing the link between organics and the Force. The only reason I put in genetic predisposition is that the only known children of a Jedi Knight (procreation seems to be forbidden among Jedi) eventually become Jedi Knights themselves (in the films, Anakin Skywalker fathers both Luke Skywalker and Leia Bail Organia; Luke who becomes a Jedi in the final film, and Leia exhibiting Jedi traits in both Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Books carry it a bit further, with Leia becoming stronger in the Force and her children strong in the Force as well).
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Postby Mint » Friday 7 November 2003 5:48:47pm

Who were Creevey brothers? muggles/wizards? I havent' read the book for so long....

I like the genetic predisposition theory too :) very least to me. But this way to me it sounds like ability to work with Magic is some sort of disease or abnormality or smth :lol: ....or.....may be we are the abnormal once :o

I wonder who is normal then Wizards or Muggles? What came first the chicken or the egg? :circling: CraZey
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Postby highsorcerer » Friday 7 November 2003 8:02:22pm

Colin Creevey was introduced in CoS. He's muggle-born, and his hobby is photography. He was sorted into Gryffindor and was a victim of the Basilisk. He was only petrified because he saw the monster through his camera. He provided the explain of why wizard photographs move (they are developed in a special potion). He hero-worships Harry.

Dennis Creevey is his younger brother, first introduced in GoF. He is most noted for falling into the lake during the storm crossing of the first year boats, only to be rescued by the giant squid. He was also sorted into Gryffindor. The greatest mystery surrounding him is how he managed to get into Hogsmead (and the Boar's Head) in OotP as he was only a second year at the time, and Hogsmead is reserved for 3rd years and above (with parental / guardian permission).

Both were members of Dumbledore's Army during OotP.
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Postby Mint » Friday 14 November 2003 5:21:48pm

:( oh man...I totally dont remember Dennis Creevey :o must re-read books!!! too bad I left them with my sister far far away from here. My memory toootally suxs :grin:
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