Sirius Black

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Lunatech » Friday 4 July 2003 2:50:02am ... Sirius.htm

here is the link.

notice the names ;)
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Postby zledm007 » Friday 4 July 2003 3:47:12am

the brightest star in the sky huh? i wonder if that means something....
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Postby choki » Friday 4 July 2003 7:40:41am

i thought the brightest star is the Big Dipper??
Sirius is a name of a constellation (dog star)
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Postby gecko » Friday 4 July 2003 12:58:39pm

Hey that's cool. The star Sirius is located in the 'Great Dog' constellation, and Sirius' animagi form was a big black dog : ) !
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Postby Charis » Friday 4 July 2003 4:59:46pm

that is a really cool link!! maybe there's some hints in there about what more we might see of Sirius...sounds like something JK would do.
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Postby zledm007 » Saturday 5 July 2003 12:24:59am

choki wrote:i thought the brightest star is the Big Dipper??
Sirius is a name of a constellation (dog star)

the big dipper is a constellation, sirius is in fact a star.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 5 July 2003 12:32:05am

I'd known about Sirius being the 'Dog Star' and all that, but I'd completely forgotten that Bellatrix was a star as well. Shame on my once fine-tuned astronomy skills. Will definitely need to cross-reference the Black family tree and star maps later on. Anyway, great find, Luna!
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Postby choki » Saturday 5 July 2003 6:08:20am

Here's some Greek and Roman Mythology i found
Dedalus Diggle - Daedalus, a gifted craftsman from Athens (He invented the wax wings to escape from Minos but his son didnt heed his warning and fell to his death as the sun melts the wax. (Greek mythology)

Sybill Trelawney - Sibyl who was a prophetess (Roman mythology)

Minerva McGonagall - Minerva, a Roman goddess of wisdom
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 6 July 2003 2:07:20am

As I am re-reading the 5th book, I am having some new feelings towards Sirius's death. Don't get me wrong, I still think it is sad that he died, and I will miss him, however, I don't feel as negative about it as I did once it had all sunk in and it really hit me.

Why? Well, as I'm at the beginning of the story, I'm re-reading how miserable and useless Sirius felt. He felt 'trapped' by his circumstances in a house that made him miserable . . . 'maybe' that would have changed with the Ministry accepting that Voldemort returned, but then again, maybe not. I mean, until those at the Ministry accepted that it was Peter Pettigrew, and not Sirius, who killed all those muggles and ratted out the Potters, Sirius would always be hunted, and if not by the Ministry, than by Voldemort, who now knew that animagus that Sirius became.

So, really, 'living' trapped and rendered useless in helping the Order, was Sirius really living? Technically, yes he was. And yes, had he lived instead of died, he'd still be there for Harry, so that's what makes me sad. Other than that, Sirius seemed to be living a 'shell' of a life, considering the kind of person we knew Sirius to be. He wasn't content to live that kind of life...Pettigrew would...he would hide out and think only of himself because he's a coward, but not Sirius.

Now, he (Sirius) died by the hand of a horrible woman and not a heroic death (falling through a veil), but he was out there, fighting with the Order, living life, taking risks, and facing danger square in the eye like he had be restrained from doing all throughout book 5 (and to some degree, in book 3 and book 4). Sirius's death robbed Harry as well as Lupin especially of someone they cared a great deal about (and that is truly sad), but perhaps his (Sirius's) death also served to really wake people up to Voldemort as a real and certain threat...someone who'd be killing a great deal more if the 'good side' didn't get it together and start working together instead of working apart.

So, although Sirius's death, in and of itself, seemed unheroic and clumsy and frustratingly accidental, Sirius was out there living life, on his terms. I'm not saying he wanted to die, but I think every day he stayed in that Godforsaken house, not being able to do anything, not being able to help, feeling more and more isolated, clinging to a past that wasn't real (realizing Harry ISN'T James) and desperately wanting to be as far away from the memories of his family, he was 'dying' anyway, day by day, from the inside, living a life so foreign and repulsive to him...Sirius would have rather risked his life and lost it than to live a meaningless shell of an existence...James was gone (and Harry wasn't James, no matter how much Sirius wanted him to be), Sirius had no freedom, he was trapped in a horrible house full of horrible memories, and he felt useless and isolated...I often wonder if Sirius didn't find that worse than dying in battle.

What happened to Sirius was sad and painful, but Sirius wanted to be out there, no matter some point, Sirius was going to put himself at risk (which Harry could not have prevented, no matter how much he blames himself right now...I feel it would have happened eventually)...I think Sirius, like all the rest of the Order realize there is a chance any and all of them will die for the cause, and though that must be scary, they all seem to be willing to take that chance. Sirius always seemed to live on the edge...and odd as it may seem, something in me says, reading this book the second time, Sirius would also choose to take risks and live life, even if it meant great peril, then to simply exist and/or be cowardly...because, for him, that was (and is) no life at all. And, in a way, I'm at peace with it...because Sirius life ended not cooped up in a house, being hidden and feeling useless and/or sorry for himself, but doing exactly what he wanted and taking risks he knew could be fatal but yet, living life on his terms (I still detest Bellatrix, but Sirius knew full and well about the evil people in the world, not that that at all excuses her!)...and now, he (Sirius) is with James, his best friend, again...beyond the veil.

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby littlemissy » Tuesday 15 July 2003 12:37:25am

What a lovely post Lizzy :)
The only thing that comforts me about Sirius's death is that he can be with James again. It was always so sad for me that such a close group of friends as James, Sirius and Remus were not properly together, that Sirius and Remus had lost someone so dear to them. I loved how they got all nostalgic when remembering how James used to play with the snitch and deliberately mess up his hair and glance at the girls!
Its just that now I feel sooo sorry for Lupin, my favourite. He has no one left from his circle of best friends! :cry: I never ever ever ever want him to die, but I wish that somehow he didn't have to be without them. I don't know how that could possibly ever happen though!!!

About the two-way mirror thing. I had forgotten completely about the gift Sirius gave to Harry and I think JK wrote that really well, in mentioning it at the time, and then not referring to it at all until it was too late. It meant that I really felt that same thing that Harry must have done (not as strongly though), that terrible realisation that if he had only remembered it before, Sirius might still be alive. It was heartbreaking, and really brought home the fact that Sirius was gone forever. I think Harry's reaction to his death was fantastically written and desperately sad. If Sirius didn't come back through the veil when Harry was screaming for him as though his life depended on it, it must mean that he really was gone (welling up whilst typing this!), and that last bit of hope being extinguished with the mirror thing and the ghost thing - though I thought Nick was very vague and annoying there, and I didn't understand why Sirius couldn't come back, from what he said. Although, I read somewhere else that if Sirius chose to come back as a ghost, he would be stuck on Earth forever, which means that once Harry is gone he won't be behind the veil with him. Better to sacrifice a lifetime than eternity. (that made me weepy too!)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 15 July 2003 12:52:30am

littlemissy wrote:What a lovely post Lizzy :)
The only thing that comforts me about Sirius's death is that he can be with James again. It was always so sad for me that such a close group of friends as James, Sirius and Remus were not properly together, that Sirius and Remus had lost someone so dear to them. I loved how they got all nostalgic when remembering how James used to play with the snitch and deliberately mess up his hair and glance at the girls!
Its just that now I feel sooo sorry for Lupin, my favourite. He has no one left from his circle of best friends! :cry: I never ever ever ever want him to die, but I wish that somehow he didn't have to be without them. I don't know how that could possibly ever happen though!!!

About the two-way mirror thing. I had forgotten completely about the gift Sirius gave to Harry and I think JK wrote that really well, in mentioning it at the time, and then not referring to it at all until it was too late. It meant that I really felt that same thing that Harry must have done (not as strongly though), that terrible realisation that if he had only remembered it before, Sirius might still be alive. It was heartbreaking, and really brought home the fact that Sirius was gone forever. I think Harry's reaction to his death was fantastically written and desperately sad. If Sirius didn't come back through the veil when Harry was screaming for him as though his life depended on it, it must mean that he really was gone (welling up whilst typing this!), and that last bit of hope being extinguished with the mirror thing and the ghost thing - though I thought Nick was very vague and annoying there, and I didn't understand why Sirius couldn't come back, from what he said. Although, I read somewhere else that if Sirius chose to come back as a ghost, he would be stuck on Earth forever, which means that once Harry is gone he won't be behind the veil with him. Better to sacrifice a lifetime than eternity. (that made me weepy too!)

Thank you for saying my post was lovely, littlemissy. :) I was wondering if anyone ever read it as it seemed to stop discussion on this thread! :eek:

I read this last night, from book 5 (I'm re-reading it) about when Sirius gave Harry the mirror (that he [Harry] never used), and it was SO sad as now I know what will happen in the future, the foreshadowing nearly knocks you over:

"Okay," said Harry, stowing the package away in the inside pocket of his jacket, but he knew he would never use whatever it was. It would not be he, Harry, who lured Sirius from his place of safety, no matter how foully Snape treated hiim in their forthcoming Occlumency classes."

So incredibly sad :-( ...on so many levels... :cry: . Harry was right in that he would never use it, but so wrong in thinking it wouldn't be he that lured Sirius away...not to be hard on Harry (he's suffered enough, with Sirius's death...witnessing it...watching him just 'disappear'), but I daresay, in the last two books, he'll have to think about his impetuous behavior, that the adults in his life DO know better than him, and that, tragically, he played into Voldemort's hands. If we saw a distraught and angry Harry at the beginning of book 5, I can only imagine what he'll be like in books 6 and 7...poor Harry, poor Lupin...I'll be crushed if anything happens to either of them in the future books, and I'll miss Sirius very much. :cry: I hope Sirius is happy with James...

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby azn wizard » Tuesday 15 July 2003 5:35:46am

i've just remembered that portraits could speak...maybe they'll draw a portrait of sirus?? like dumbledore talking to the previous headmasters....
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Postby Fafnul Black » Tuesday 15 July 2003 2:06:17pm

Sirius died in battle, and that is certainly better than dying strangled by Kreacher, for example, but still, Sirius is dead, and I see no good in it.

I mean, true, now James and Sirius are both beyond the Veil, but they are dead, not really looking at girls, playing with the snitch and cool stuff like that for them any more. So, the fact that Sirius is now *with* James, no, really, sad thing. Especially for Harry, but I guess everybody agree on that.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 15 July 2003 9:17:33pm

but can you draw a magical portrait w/out the model ????
on another thread people were wondering wether there were already portraits of him or even james ???
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Postby littlemissy » Tuesday 15 July 2003 10:38:41pm

There are photos of both of them, but I don't think the photos can talk, can they? They smile and wave and everything though..hmm
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