I like the idea of Dumbledore being a wasp or bee. The theory about him being an animagus particularly came to mind when I was reading the part where he escaped from Fudge in Dumbledore's office. He couldn't apparate away as that's not possible in the grounds and buildings of Hogwarts, so he must have had some other quick way of escaping. Changing into an amimagus form would have been the best way of escape, and particularly if his animagus form was a wasp, as he could slip out through any open window and be gone out of sight in seconds.
I agree that if somene killed an animagus, the wizard would die.
Lizzy Bennet wrote:Remember, Hermione 'trapped' Rita Skeeter, the beetle, in a jar, and she had a hold over her...was it that Rita couldn't transform back to a wizard or that she didn't because Hermione was blackmailing her?
I think Hermione put an unbreakable charm on the jar whilst Rita was inside (so it wouldn't have been wise for her to change back to her human form as she'd be squished inside the tiny jar). But yes, the hold over her was also the fact that Hermione knew she was an unregistered animagus, which would have been why Rita didn't go back to writing for the Daily Phophet when Hermione released her.