
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby gecko » Monday 30 June 2003 9:51:07pm

He could do things with a wand Professor Marchbanks had never seen before. Suppose that means he was pretty good wizard even back then !

On the thought of being killed while an animal. I think Dumbledore wouldn't let him be captured (or killed) as easily as Rita Skeeter : ) !
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Postby Snuffles Keeper » Friday 11 July 2003 2:35:14am

See Chapter 8 "The Hearing"

Albus Percival Wolfred Brian Dumbledore.

My spelling may be wrong as I have the audio tape, not the book.
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Postby zledm007 » Friday 11 July 2003 3:38:26am

you know, you guys are very perceptive, i would've never picked up the DD wasp thing. after i think about it though, it really makes a lot of sense. it would be an excellent way for him to keep an eye on harry as well as spy on voldemort. oh, so many uses for a wasp, i would've never imagined!
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Postby Aule » Thursday 31 July 2003 5:11:51pm

harry was bothered by a wasp during the history of magic test.

i actually got slightly bothered by dumbledore's shunning of harry because i think if he helped harry with occlumency, harry would have succeeded in blocking out lv.

beyond the shunning, dumbledore's the best wizard in the series
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Postby Aule » Thursday 31 July 2003 7:07:08pm

hopefully harry will be taught occlumency in his sixth year because dumbledore is finally not afraid of teahing him.
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Postby Aule » Friday 1 August 2003 4:59:22pm

just a thought...is it possible to be an animagus of >1 form? dumbledore is powerful enough that i think he could do that
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Postby Gwared » Saturday 2 August 2003 1:24:11pm

I just find it peculiar that JK would have DD as a wasp animagus when Dumbledore is old English for BumbleBee?!
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Postby gecko » Saturday 2 August 2003 2:08:56pm

Maybe she didn't know there's a difference between wasps and bees? According to www.webster.com bumblebee is: 'any of numerous large robust hairy social bees' so maybe she thought a wasp is a sort of bee?

That is, if the wasp was Dumbledore at all, because that's not sure either :P!
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Postby Tuima » Wednesday 6 August 2003 3:39:39pm

Dumbledore's name is awesome! Actually, the Brian and Percival names sound kinda Irish, and if he had red hair... 'K, but there are some really cool stories about both those guys in old English mythology; did you know Percival was the only knight ever to defeat Lancelot? Yep, he was really cool 8) ... DD sounds like some kind of old Irish hero type with all those cool powers... and the fact that Dumbledore means "bumblebee" is awesome, he really should be an animagus
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 9 September 2003 6:22:10am

I like the idea of Dumbledore being a wasp or bee. The theory about him being an animagus particularly came to mind when I was reading the part where he escaped from Fudge in Dumbledore's office. He couldn't apparate away as that's not possible in the grounds and buildings of Hogwarts, so he must have had some other quick way of escaping. Changing into an amimagus form would have been the best way of escape, and particularly if his animagus form was a wasp, as he could slip out through any open window and be gone out of sight in seconds.

I agree that if somene killed an animagus, the wizard would die.
Lizzy Bennet wrote:Remember, Hermione 'trapped' Rita Skeeter, the beetle, in a jar, and she had a hold over her...was it that Rita couldn't transform back to a wizard or that she didn't because Hermione was blackmailing her?

I think Hermione put an unbreakable charm on the jar whilst Rita was inside (so it wouldn't have been wise for her to change back to her human form as she'd be squished inside the tiny jar). But yes, the hold over her was also the fact that Hermione knew she was an unregistered animagus, which would have been why Rita didn't go back to writing for the Daily Phophet when Hermione released her.
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 15 September 2003 9:59:54am

Well, just wondering! :-?
Instead of a bee (or wasp), could DD be a Phoeinx??? :???:
Just an ideia :-)
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