
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby dibble2 » Wednesday 20 July 2005 4:33:40am

Well, what about him? We only saw a little bit of him, but it seems like Hagrid was actually right about him. He was wearing a suit, he clearly understood the emotion of the funeral. He probably speaks english as well! I liked Grawp, ever since he took on all those centaurs. Do you think he'll show up in book seven?
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 20 July 2005 7:18:18am

Yeah Grawp did sorta seem somewhat normal didn't he...
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Postby Lelie » Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:40:53pm

i actually didn't like that he was so normal. how did he get that way so fast? i understand that there was the span of a year in there, but still. i'm not sure that we can really make accurate assumptions about him yet as we haven't seen much of him. i'm hoping he'll end up to be alot like hagrid though. :)
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Postby xXxFawkesSong » Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:57:03pm

That did seem a little weird... I hope he's in the next book, but I doubt he will be. =(
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Postby dibble2 » Thursday 21 July 2005 5:23:13am

well Hagrid's story about meeting with the giants seemed to imply that they could speak fairly well and were reasonably intelligent, so Grawp being almost normal isn't that far-fetched. Also, at least some giants must be well-behaved. How else do you explain the two half-giants in the book? Or maybe Hagrid's mother was just desperate...
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Postby Fweegal » Thursday 21 July 2005 9:26:06am

lol, Obviously he has a role to play, though God knows what. JKR would harldy introduce a bit character this late in proceedings.

My strongest guess is that he goes back to the giants to persuade them to support the Order.
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Postby Lelie » Thursday 21 July 2005 6:42:52pm

something just occurred to me... why did NO ONE NOTICE that there was a giant at dd's funeral? wasn't hagrid keeping him a secret?
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 21 July 2005 9:44:54pm

Wow, that is interesting... maybe, at the time, no one really cared what was happening because of the death. Or maybe grawp did learn english, and was allowed a stay at hogwarts or something, because it was what dd would have wanted...
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Postby Dacre » Friday 22 July 2005 9:03:45am

There were also centaurs, mermen etc there, so I suspect people just took it in their stride thinking DD has a giant friend too.
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Postby Fweegal » Friday 22 July 2005 2:52:08pm

I'm suprised the giant spiders didn't make it.

Or any more of Hagrid's menagerie!
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Postby dibble2 » Saturday 23 July 2005 6:06:08am

Well, it turned out the spiders weren't really that fond of Hagrid, didn't it? Yeah, I don't think anyone would think a giant at Dumbledore's funeral was odd. I mean, Dumbledore himself was so odd...
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Postby Fweegal » Saturday 23 July 2005 10:59:07am

You would've thought LV would have turned up to pay his respects too...
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Postby thestral » Saturday 23 July 2005 2:36:59pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: yeah, i imagine he was real broken up it... all those memories...
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Postby sirius_lives_forever » Friday 29 July 2005 2:45:26am

I think that he will definately be in book 7, I think he will help Harry find the horcruxes, or he will people come with the Order when Harry actually fights VD.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 29 July 2005 3:50:30am

Well, a character of that size must have some importance to the books, other than just another object ot fill up pages! I would hate jk for doing that.

I also hope that Grawp is in the next book.

he has learned a lot, and will hopefully progress farhter along learning english. Maybe he will even become fluent and go back to his himeland to see his mum... with JK, anything is possible
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