Love is such a splendid thing!!

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Who do you think will get together in book 6? Who is most likely?

Harry and Hermione
Ron and Hermione
Harry and Luna
Ron and Luna
Harry and Cho
No votes
Neville and Hermione
No votes
Harry and Ginny
Total votes : 10

Love is such a splendid thing!!

Postby powerpetal » Friday 27 June 2003 4:30:37pm

I thought that it was time we had a poll on who we think who will end up with who. Opinions have definatly chnaged now book 5 is out! I don't think any new characers will be brought in to the list!!!

Harry :eek: Hermione :o Ron :eek: Cho :o Ginny :eek: Neville :o Luna
:eek: Michael Corner :o Seamus? :eek: Dean? :o Parvati? :eek: Lavender?

Please reply and say what you think! Tell me if I've missed anyone out! :grin:
Posts: 9
Joined: Friday 27 June 2003 2:54:08pm

Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 28 June 2003 9:50:04pm

Hm. Not H/C. Good God, no. ;)

H/Hr is too contrived and would be too expected.

R/Hr makes me angry.

I've developed an aversion to Ginny as a result of OotP.

Maybe N/Hr. Would be cute, but she can get annoying.

Am serisouly considering shipping Ron and Luna, though. I definitely got the feeling that she liked him a bit more than the others. Lol, am also thinking of shipping Lily and the Giant Squid (c'mon she said she'd rather the squid than James,) but that's a different story...;)
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