Snape discussion

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Postby Deedra Malfoy » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Book three hands down.
Sorry LadySnape, but I think Snape's part is the best. Totally.

I just hope HE doesn't die in any of the books. Ever think of that?
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

yeah, snape is pretty cool...even though he's mean to harry...but that's why i like him
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

ok...sure...why not
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I don't know, i think he will start getting better in the next few books, i mean don't all book characters get better towards the end? It's like most fantasy stuf- the characters start really immature, and then mature as the book progresses, look at LoTR- look what the hobbits did at the end! A bunch of hobbits over threw all the humans! That shows maturity for ya...
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

yeah...that's true....really it is...but i guess i'll wait and see
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Re: Snape discussion

Postby GryffindorAnimagus » Sunday 6 June 2010 11:08:43pm

I have to admit that I hated Snape when I first started reading the books. After awhile he grew on me and I think that he is a very important character to the story.
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