Mrs. Dursley

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Mrs. Dursley

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 4 February 2008 11:33:25pm

How cool was that when it came to light that Lily's sister wanted to be a witch too?? No wonder she was so bitter toward the wizard world! I like the theory too.. in our DH role play The next generation, that a Dursley became a wizard. lol! Didn't they know it can skip a generation! :)
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Re: Mrs. Dursley

Postby salemboy » Thursday 22 May 2008 11:54:31am

It's amazing how Ironic things can be, both with the Harry Potter Series, and with Next Generation. The Dursleys hate wizards, and abuse Harry because of it, and it turns out that Petunia had wanted to be a witch all along, and that Arthur is actually a wizard. It must be have been a huge shock to Vernon on both accounts (I laugh at the thought).

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Re: Mrs. Dursley

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 22 May 2008 3:42:41pm

I love that Petunia wanted to be a witch, I thought that was cool. It makes sense, though. What kid wouldn't be jealous if her sister got to go to Hogwarts?

I also love the idea of Dudley's kid going to Hogwarts. I even put Dudley's kid in my new fan fic. :grin:
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Re: Mrs. Dursley

Postby *Riley* » Friday 23 May 2008 11:45:55am

I really thought Petunia was a squib ! Like Mrs.Figg but meh !

Dudley would be scared whe he found out he had produced a wizard !
Maybe whe his child is angry he'll find himself with a pig tail :lol:
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Re: Mrs. Dursley

Postby youknowwho » Friday 27 June 2008 8:47:11pm

I don't think that Dudley would mind so much if his kid was magical, but I can only imagine what Vernon would do when he found out :lol:
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Re: Mrs. Dursley

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 28 June 2008 7:17:43am

It's the how he would act part that makes me struggle... :jump:
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Re: Mrs. Dursley

Postby Alice5130 » Monday 26 October 2009 4:07:24am

*Riley* wrote:I really thought Petunia was a squib ! Like Mrs.Figg but meh !

Dudley would be scared whe he found out he had produced a wizard !
Maybe whe his child is angry he'll find himself with a pig tail :lol:

I'd feel sorry for the woman who married him ><
Dudley was a total jerk threw most of the seriese.
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