Percy Weasley

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Groo » Friday 7 May 2004 2:18:08pm

there are some similarities between them but i think the differences are too much to consider an analogy

Tom Riddle was ambitious but he could make his own path for himself. he wasnt a selfish traitor like Percy. Percy is the kind of guy who you would imagine will change sides as according to his needs. a trait like Wormtail's (though i am not saying he is like Wormtail)
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Postby Alice I » Friday 7 May 2004 4:46:12pm

OK I am confused now. I wrote a post describing how I was thinking that the struggle with Percy and his family mirrors the overall struggle in the wizarding world with how everyone thought that DD and Harry were nuts or lying. Then you guys wrote this:

Evil Wizard Petting Zoo wrote:Has this point been made before?....Percy's behavior/demeanor is a little like Tom Riddle

Groo wrote:there are some similarities between them but i think the differences are too much to consider an analogy

Tom Riddle was ambitious but he could make his own path for himself. he wasnt a selfish traitor like Percy. Percy is the kind of guy who you would imagine will change sides as according to his needs. a trait like Wormtail's (though i am not saying he is like Wormtail)

Are you guys responding to an earlier post or mine because I never mentioned Voldemort or Tom Riddle? :???:
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Postby Ferrus » Saturday 8 May 2004 12:22:19pm

Err, I think that EWPZ was going on a totally different track from you, Alice...
As to what Groo said (wrote, more like... :-? ) I think that Percy has at least one trait with Voldy, both of them show a great ambition, which kind of makes me wonder why Percy was in Griffindor.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Sunday 9 May 2004 1:58:22am

Yeah, I was just having a little brain storm of my own. Anyways...I'm not trying to say that Percy will be the new Voldemort. Or will he? Lord Ignatius (Isn't that his middle name?) will strike fear into the heart of Lord Voldemort himself!!! Muahahaha. But for real, I think Percy will have to take his foot out of his mouth before he goes to apologize to his family. But of course they'll all take him back. Awe :razz:
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Saturday 22 May 2004 6:32:34pm

Me too, I think Tom Riddle followed his ideals - very faschistic ideals indeed :roll: but Percy follows anyone who's his boss just to climb the ladder. He doesn't have ideals at all or they are sth. like complete conformism.

But - Lord Ignatius sound frightening :lol:
Lord Ignatius will crawl back to his mummy very soon :grin:
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Postby Luke » Thursday 19 August 2004 8:21:42am

I want to see Percy do a serious amount of grovelling when he next talks with the family. I can't see him actually moving back in because of the amount of stuff he had to put up with. I think he and Fudge will become closer still which will make Percy unbearable to put up with, (which is kind of what its like now). We will see a lot more of Percy in the following books and I also think he will be really important too.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 19 August 2004 9:42:04pm

I can't picture an early reconciliation either. The Weasleys representing a unity is a nice idea, but it's just not the way war is. War means separation, having to stand up against your family, friends becoming enemies etc. What was it that DD said at the end of SS/PS? It requires a lot courage to stand up against your enemies, but even more to stand up against your friends...I'm sure that'll be an issue
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Postby niki_192 » Saturday 9 July 2005 1:01:06pm

yeh im not a big percy fan either..... fred, george and ron are right percy is the biggest git in the world (well at least in the world of harry potter)
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 9 July 2005 4:42:04pm

Ok, what do you have against Percy? He's a person following his dreams. What is there against that? Just because it might take a little more work and some convincing doesn't mean he's a bad person. And If his job happens to be for someone his parents and family dont like, that's no reason to shut him out.
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Postby BloodyCassie » Saturday 9 July 2005 5:13:27pm

In my opinion, Percy is too full of himself. He's always...He's walked out of his father's portrait in the fifth book, the one of the family for goodness sakes!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 20 September 2005 12:33:46pm

Someone mentioned here earlier that he might be under the Imperius curse - I am beginning to think he might be as well.

Also why was scabbers no longer his pet and why was he given to Ron? Percy doesn't seem the type to give gifts away like that.
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Postby mandynyuna » Friday 15 December 2006 11:27:26am

Snow_Tiger wrote:Someone mentioned here earlier that he might be under the Imperius curse - I am beginning to think he might be as well.

Also why was scabbers no longer his pet and why was he given to Ron? Percy doesn't seem the type to give gifts away like that.

I think it was written in OP that Percy was made Prefect, thus his mom Molly got him an owl(Hermes, I think). I think Percy preferred an owl to a rat and since Ron didn't have any pet, Percy gave Scabbers to Ron.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 December 2006 4:09:50pm

Wow - I'd totally forgotten I'd posted that question - thanks for the answer mandynyuna! I'll have to look that up sometime!
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