Favourite Character in HBP...(New or Old)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Postby Phinea Rogue » Tuesday 2 August 2005 9:50:38am

Tanuki wrote:Oh gee siana, you don't like Ginny, but you like Snape and Voldermort. Well, at least I know which side to look for you one when dealing with bullies and monsters

I suppose that everyone has the right to like whoever they want to. And everyone sees the characters differently. I like Ginny, but many of the "good characters" are rarely described as well as the evil ones and what I like more, are characters that are "grey" - it doesn't really matter to me whether someone in the book is evil or good as far as he's well characterised, if he or she's intelligent, cunning and it's simply a delight to read about them.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 2 August 2005 8:56:13pm

Sure, bullying little children is a hobby of mine, just like kicking puppies, very relaxing if you've had a busy day. Or perhaps I'm just able to tell the difference between a person and a fictional character. You know, if I like reading about Voldemort it doesn't mean I'd want a candle light dinner with him. Imagine that!

I've certainly enjoyed reading more about Tom Riddle. It's a rare thing to get the big baddy's motivation, let alone see him as an eleven-year-old boy. I was truly amazed when, in CoS, even Harry fell for his charm and was prepared to judge Hagrid based on his words...until he found out who he was. The 'greyness' of her characters is generally what I like about JKR's work.
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Tuesday 16 August 2005 1:37:08pm

favorite character has got to be.. remus lupin or dumbledore
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 1:54:28pm

I agree with Siana in some respects - it is more interesting to read about LV and Snape because they're not featured enough in the books. That just results in natural curiosity.
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Tuesday 16 August 2005 7:29:17pm

i love tonks her clumsy, nosiness is great, lol she wasn't as good in HBP but i still liked her!! i really like sirius and lupin too, and luna... shes hilarious!!
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Postby PaperFlowers101 » Thursday 18 August 2005 6:40:19pm

I like..dundundun Hagrid and Fang! They're big, they're lovable, Fang is a chicken.....how could I resist?
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 4 November 2005 9:43:52am

Yes Tonks is an awesome character very lovable!!!
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Postby Arun » Friday 4 November 2005 1:55:00pm


How could I forget Hagrid?

He's like a giant teddy bear that can do a lot of damage when angry.

Ginny's also a good character.
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