We need more people!

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We need more people!

Postby choki » Wednesday 8 September 2004 5:19:26am

Ok, this thread is to get more people to join in the fun RPG.
erm...where did everybody go anyway? I don't see many new posts being created and let alone, the usual buzzling community. So it is up to 'us' to make BaO more lively again - by posting more...not spamming though...
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Postby fred » Wednesday 8 September 2004 10:24:05pm

yes we really need ppl to join so please please join!!!!!
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 19 October 2004 7:23:20pm

lol, we should start a new RPG thread "Survivors" or "Ghost members of BaO" XD

Well, I don't post often but I can throw couple of posts now and then. :(
If we gonna revive a thread in RPG forum I think we should concentrate on just one (new or old) there are not enough people here to keep all of them active.
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Postby Phaerie » Thursday 4 November 2004 3:49:50pm

i think a new thread would be best, that way its easy for every one to jon in and we don't have "missing characters" from people who've left
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Postby choki » Thursday 4 November 2004 5:09:13pm

yup, however, there is some problem wiht the current programming. I Pmed Paul about it, and hopefully we can fix it soon.

Meanwhile, think about new senarios :D
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Postby Mint » Thursday 4 November 2004 8:12:25pm

um...... since everyone is busy in school and so on right now, I think we should restart the "Missing thread" in which people would appear and dissapear without effecting the story line........ :grin: no?
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Postby choki » Friday 5 November 2004 5:45:13pm

you mean the disappearance thread? haha good thinking
ok let's just take it that the current missing ppl disappear and what are you waiting for.
Submit your character now!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 17 December 2005 4:54:07pm

Right, I'm going to get this place up and running if it's the last thing I do.
It might take a while, but once everythings fixed and I can accept a few new scenarios I'm sure things'll get buzzing.
All we need is a little advertising.
Maybe some people can persuade others that are more at home in Zonko's to come here for a change.
Advice welcome under "Suggestions" topic.
This place is going to be good, I'll make sure of it.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 4 January 2006 2:56:04am

Right, I'm going to get this place up and running if it's the last thing I do.
It might take a while, but once everythings fixed and I can accept a few new scenarios I'm sure things'll get buzzing.
All we need is a little advertising.
Maybe some people can persuade others that are more at home in Zonko's to come here for a change.
Advice welcome under "Suggestions" topic.
This place is going to be good, I'll make sure of it.

But I'm locking this one, it's not use having it in here, it needs to be outside to draw people in.
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