by choki » Friday 5 September 2008 4:18:33am
*wink wink*
fawkes, you know what will happen soon enough LOL
A brief insight to the future~ in case anyone is pondering
Nikolaus will discover that he can perform magic in the room but not outside on the mysterious corridor. Not that his wand was faulty but the corridor was magically protected from the various enchantments. No magic can penetrate through its walls, or performed if the person is within its confinement, This will render Damien's dark arts detection charm useless against this "safety haven", where Nikolaus will "tutor" Geneve secretly.
It is like a water-filled moat (corridor) surrounding a castle (various rooms), preventing outsiders (magic) for invading the castle (room) but soldiers can still practice their skills within the castle (magic in room)
The doors leading to the individual rooms are also magically enchanted, only allowing access to whoever the room wishes to.
I have an interesting idea that this corridor will be the venue for "Flight of Nikolaus", where he was eventually discovered teaching dark arts to Geneve and a fight will ensue in the magic-restricted corridor (i.e. things are gonna get physical)