The Next Generation 2

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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 21 August 2008 3:44:23am

Well, the epilogue for NG1 might change depending on what happens in NG2 (Valencia & Nikolaus's relationship for example). So I was kind of putting it off. There's a chance that the NG rpgs might even encompass the kids' 7 years at Hogwarts, so that would kind of defeat the purpose of an epilogue...

But if everyone wants me to do one, I'll try and come up with one at some point. I'm just going to be quite busy the next few days.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Thursday 21 August 2008 3:50:24am

DucksRMagical wrote:There's a chance that the NG rpgs might even encompass the kids' 7 years at Hogwarts, so that would kind of defeat the purpose of an epilogue...

:eek: All 7 years? Just like the main Harry Potter series
It's an interesting idea
NG2 should encompass a whole year (instead of 2 days like NG1 LOL)

maybe like what duckie has suggested, we should only do the epilogue when everything in NG series are all concluded.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 21 August 2008 4:03:25am

Well, I'm not saying it will encompass all 7 years, but there's always the possibility. I just think we shouldn't write an epilogue until we're done with this little RPG series.

Oh, and I agree, NG 2 should encompass the rest of the school year.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby salemboy » Friday 22 August 2008 9:01:22am

I'd like to wait, I guess.

Yeah, we shouldn't make NG2 as short as NG1.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Tuesday 2 September 2008 3:18:18pm

ooh what happened?
lol i am waiting for someone to post before i could post (or else I would be double posting)
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 3 September 2008 1:43:08pm

hahah... just realised I hadn't posted in ages!! Been getting so many notifications from BAO on my emails, must have skipped over the NG2 notifications.....

posted now! I have allowed Damien to catch me eminating dark magic by him reading my name on his dark art detecting parchment. But when Geneve kisses Liam, the name (which appears once for the time geneve did dark magic in the Great Hall and once for when it started stirring in her blood in Damien's office) blurs, and even though Damien is sure her name appeared there, he cannot prove it because it cannot be read.

lol! I'm so evil!
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Wednesday 3 September 2008 9:24:00pm

oooooh, choki, im intrigued by your post......... does the fact that nikolaus saw nothing in the mirror of erised imply that he's the happiest man in the world, or that he's so conflicted that he doesn't know what he wants?
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Thursday 4 September 2008 3:22:12am

fawkes, you are right!
the happiest man will view it as a normal mirror - with perfect reflection like what the real mirror does
however, Nikolaus saw none of his own reflection and that the mirror was clouded (the faint images of even the things that were in the mirror view path).
He didn't know what his desires were, or should i say not even his heart really knew
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 5 September 2008 3:23:30am

always the tone of surprise, lol....

seems like nikolaus will have some sort of emotional transformation to do at some point....
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Friday 5 September 2008 4:18:33am

*wink wink*
fawkes, you know what will happen soon enough LOL

A brief insight to the future~ in case anyone is pondering
Nikolaus will discover that he can perform magic in the room but not outside on the mysterious corridor. Not that his wand was faulty but the corridor was magically protected from the various enchantments. No magic can penetrate through its walls, or performed if the person is within its confinement, This will render Damien's dark arts detection charm useless against this "safety haven", where Nikolaus will "tutor" Geneve secretly.

It is like a water-filled moat (corridor) surrounding a castle (various rooms), preventing outsiders (magic) for invading the castle (room) but soldiers can still practice their skills within the castle (magic in room)

The doors leading to the individual rooms are also magically enchanted, only allowing access to whoever the room wishes to.

I have an interesting idea that this corridor will be the venue for "Flight of Nikolaus", where he was eventually discovered teaching dark arts to Geneve and a fight will ensue in the magic-restricted corridor (i.e. things are gonna get physical)
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby salemboy » Sunday 7 September 2008 6:27:54am

Damien's currently inside of what used to be Fluffy's cage, you know, the three headed dog? I'm planning on him going down to the room where Harry took down Quirrel. I'm not sure what he'll find there, maybe he'll find Geneve. Or maybe he'll find nothing. Who knows. All I know is that he's going down there.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 8 September 2008 2:20:02am

I reckon the third floor cooridor could be the one you are describing, Choki! Just like in Chamber of Secrets! It is now, years later, a place where magic is unstable, and where enchantments are behind every door, and secrets are kept.....

what do u think? It could be like a birmuda triangle in the middle of Hogwarts! And you and Geneve can return there for the 'tutoring', once you and Damien get Geneve back from her transparent state?

What a good idea bringing us to that particular part of the castle Salemboy! It'st he perfect place for what Choki described, and it could very well be where Nikolaus is right now! Only perhaps not in that room....
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Monday 8 September 2008 9:41:22am

hmmm the mysterious corridor being the forbidden 3rd floor corridor?
it would work since Nikolaus was walking blindly into the area. (he didn't know where was the exact location he was in at the moment)

but I mentioned in my previous post, magic is actually restricted in the corridor (lumos,alohamora won't work, thus it being a perfect location to teach Geneve without Damien's detection)

so hmmm maybe the door to the room where Fluffy was at in PS opened, simply because it allowed others to go in and not because of the alohamora spell?
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby salemboy » Monday 8 September 2008 10:08:12am

I guess. I just thought it would be cool to include the fluffy room, and all of the rooms that Harry had to navigate through. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe it could be the mega secret passage area, but I had been planning just to go there, just because he could. I wasn't even thinking about what he could find.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Monday 8 September 2008 10:40:43am

ooooo, so, i guess Nikolaus will be coming out soon, and bumping into nearly headless nick
lol i gotta get home to post though
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