by choki » Saturday 16 May 2009 7:29:19am
Nobody knows the shattered mirror is the Mirror of Erised. Geneve had briefly catched a glimpse of its inscription before she made her way out of the room with Nikolaus. She had thought the magical mirror showed her future. But upon seeing Nikolaus' reaction and accident that followed, Geneve was anxious to find out more about the mirror. But she knew that if anyone else was to find out that Nikolaus was teaching her forbidden things, she would get the both of them into trouble (Azkaban!?)
Just an idea,
Nikolaus would recover from the injury, but ends up pushed to the brink of insanity, haunted by the last moments of the Mirror of Erised - the death of a beloved at the hands of his.
(I was thinking that perhaps a slight magic influence from the mirror shard was imbued into him, causing all the "desires" to run amok in his head. Unable to differentiate between reality and fiction, Nikolaus would end up really mad!)
As Geneve had suggested earlier on when she saw her reflections that the mirror showed her future, Nikolaus thought that if he continues to stay on at Hogwarts or marries Valencia, he would inevitably caused the death of Valencia in the future. So he would agree with the order to evict him out of Hogwarts (if anyone should force him out of Hogwarts) and stay away from everyone else "forever", returning to his old life before he met them.
But before that, he would tell Geneve the reason he has to leave and do a little master-apprentice talk.
So instead of telling everything to the professors, she does her own investigations. Perhaps in the library about magical objects, hoping to come across clues with reference to the inscriptions?