Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

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Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 21 January 2009 1:01:31pm

I got this idea from "How You found Broomsticks and Owls" thread, when Riley brought up the subject.

So, I know that this is an often debated subject in the U.S., so I want to know BaO's view on it. People who aren't U.S. citizens, your opinion is still accepted. I want to see what BaO thinks.

So, to begin, I believe that we should keep the right to bear arms within the United States.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 21 January 2009 8:49:31pm

I think we do need to be allowed to own firearms in the US. However, I think we need to make it much much harder to actually obtain a gun. The tragedy at Virginia Tech is proof that it is way too easy to buy a gun in this country. I think we need strict gun control laws. I do not know the details of what one must go through to get a gun right now, but whatever it is, it needs to be stricter.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Wednesday 21 January 2009 9:07:09pm

I think guns should by law, be allowed here. I for one am a Member of the Junior Gun Club here in my area.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 21 January 2009 11:07:17pm

You could be part of a Junior Gun Club without actually owning your own gun though, the club could keep a stock of weapons safely locked away and properly cared for to hire/loan out to the people who took part.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 22 January 2009 1:27:30am

This is a very good article that explains the gun law situation in Australia at the moment. In the United States, such action would be difficult, due to the large population and black market. However, what is going on in Australia makes me feel safe, because it is not as easy for people to use a self loading gun for hurting themselves and others.

Please read it, it's very interesting. I was living here in Australia in 1996 (can't remember which month) and at about 9pm my friend was on the internet and she just starting crying when her friend told her what was happening. Port Arthur was terrifying. That phsyco just walked in there with his guns and mowed people down like prey. And no one could stop him. He murdered so many people before the police could respond. It was at a tourist location, children, mums, dads, friends..... If guns were less available he could have just sat in his house and fantisised about it and played.. what's that game... Halo? Sigh.

I want to bring my family up in Australia because the gun laws are so strict. I think it would be good in all countries. However, it is important to note that in the U.S. Constitution, it says that they have 'a right to bare arms'.... but it doesn't specifically say what sort! Sure you can... just not ones that are self loading...

there's my rant for today!

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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby salemboy » Thursday 22 January 2009 6:48:19am

I think that we have good enough restrictions, we just don't have good communication. Virginia Tech was the result of one man who had recorded psychological issues, and they (his medical examiners) failed to communicate with the Gun Permit People (must look up word for that), and thus he was allowed a gun. If they had known he had psychological issues, then the entire Virginia Tech incident could have been avoided. Also, if one of the students who had been killed had had a gun on his/her person, they could have saved their lives.

Also, age limit to own a gun isn't always a good thing. There's a story of these two men who tried to rob a home. They were armed with pistols. They didn't know that the ten year old girl who's parents weren't there was a great shot with a Shotgun. That little girl defended herself, and it's because she had the license/permit to own a gun.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 22 January 2009 1:11:07pm

Hmmm.. interesting point. The opportunity to defend yourself is important, no matter what. And the person who has power over you may not have with a gun; it could be physical too. (speaking as a female) I would like to be able to protect my family, but I also believe it is not my right to take someone else's life, no matter what they did or what they are doing. I would like the chance to take someone down and then beat the living daylights ..... that poor little girl, having to live with killing someone. But she protected her family. But maybe that person was desperate and was never going to hurt anyone. Did they deserve to die? I guess the issue is that guns are such an easy way to kill people. But there is a saying; 'guns dont' kill people, PEOPLE kill people.' So what Salemboy says is very relevant. Total bans are not the answer, just strict restrictions. However, if it was up to me personally, I'd ban all guns and I'd ban alcohol too... both are legal drags on society. Oh ya and cigarettes too. just to get on my high horse about it all! :-?
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 23 January 2009 1:47:56am

It's interesting that this thread came up at this time. Just a few days ago, a triple shooting happened in a very small rural town close to me. One guy shot and killed a woman while looking for drugs at her house. A man came to the shot woman's rescue and wound up shot himself. He then shot the guy who did the original shooting. Both men are injured; the one who did the original shooting is in critical condition. Very sad situation. So, yes, I do think we need stricter gun control laws. They're obviously not working.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby salemboy » Friday 23 January 2009 11:24:58am

But making stricter gun restrictions would only make it easier for a person who illegally obtained their weapon to kill people. I'm sure that if there were stricter gun restrictions, there would definitely be an age limit. If there had been an age limit when those criminals had broken into the girl's house, she would probably be dead. No, it's like I said before: communication.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 23 January 2009 6:33:11pm

salemboy wrote: I'm sure that if there were stricter gun restrictions, there would definitely be an age limit. If there had been an age limit when those criminals had broken into the girl's house, she would probably be dead.

There is an age limit to own a gun. I'm assuming the gun belonged to the little girl's parents. I highly doubt it is legal for a 10 year old to own a gun. But just because she wouldn't be allowed to own it/use it doesn't mean she wouldn't use it in an emergency. Age limits are good, but just because they're there doesn't mean people will follow them. Look at how much underage drinking goes on. No age limit is going to stop a person from defending themselves if a weapon is available.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 25 January 2009 2:58:27am

There is a reason for age limits on everything, including gun ownership. I realise looking back that age restrictions are important because you have to be sure you are ready for the responsibility such priviledges bring. When I went traveling, I was 21 and I could not hire a car until I was 25. I was old enough to drive, to buy alcohol, to have a job (graduate from university) and so on but not responsible enough to hire a car! My point - looking back, when I was 21 I STILL had no idea what the world was all about. Even if I had left home at 16, started working and renting and paying bills and maybe even bought my own house and car, I STILL would not have experienced life enough to realise the importance of respecting hired property. Over here, (Australia) you have to pay high premiums on insuring your car if you are under 25 because the statistics show that people under 25 are more likely to get into car accidents than those over 25. And if your parents have you down as someone who drives the car, their insurance is more expensive. There may be a whole bunch of people under 25 who are responsible drivers, property owners and so on... but the majority proves otherwise.

With regards to owning Firearms being Illegal in U.S.? One word - CONTROL. Strict laws to control who owns them, how they are stored and where they can be used. Junior gun clubs are fine by me. Buy a gun for yoru 10 year old to use there? Fine. But in the home, it is locked away, or kept at the club.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby *Riley* » Monday 26 January 2009 1:27:42pm

Guns are horrible things I never want to try... along with smoking, and alchohol.
Interesting this topic was brought up, Mum was watching a Crime Show and then I asked her if she had ever fired a gun and she said;
"Yes, Of course. Your grandfather had 4 of them he used to give to your uncles and I. We used to shoot anything that would make a hole. This was when we were 4-6 so it was around the 1950's. I would never let you kids shoot a gun, they're too powerful nowadays"

I found this interesting since my Pop has always been against violence, yet he had 4 guns. Proves how easy it was to get guns..
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 27 January 2009 11:33:40am

DucksRMagical wrote:
salemboy wrote: I'm sure that if there were stricter gun restrictions, there would definitely be an age limit. If there had been an age limit when those criminals had broken into the girl's house, she would probably be dead.

There is an age limit to own a gun. I'm assuming the gun belonged to the little girl's parents. I highly doubt it is legal for a 10 year old to own a gun. But just because she wouldn't be allowed to own it/use it doesn't mean she wouldn't use it in an emergency. Age limits are good, but just because they're there doesn't mean people will follow them. Look at how much underage drinking goes on. No age limit is going to stop a person from defending themselves if a weapon is available.

Actually, there isn't an age limit. :lol: There's a story about how this one guy got his one year old son a Gun License, just to see if he could. My Honors teacher showed it to me. It made me laugh. And, this was the girl's shotgun, no doubt. I myself have a rifle, but it's in the states (guns are illegal in Japan) and I got it when I was ten.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 27 January 2009 4:59:45pm

There is an age. According to this site.

Under federal law, minors under 18 are prohibited from possessing guns and minor under 21 are prohibited from purchasing guns from dealers. However, unless regulated by state law, minors 18 and over are able to freely purchase weapons through private sales. Currently 21 states either prohibit or substantially regulate this secondary market for minors.

So, I guess it depends on your state, whether anyone under 18 can buy a gun from a private dealer. But, nobody under 21 can purchase a gun from a dealer in the United States.

Here's a map that shows how restrictive individual states are. NY is pretty restrictive, but a lot of southern states aren't. That doesn't surprise me.
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Re: Should Owning a Firearm be Illegal in the U.S.?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 28 January 2009 3:17:31am

The question still is "should owning a firearm be Illegal in the U.S.? I think - no. This way, all firearms would be registered and careful restrictions would be made on who buys them and who uses them. BUT I still like the way Australia is doing it where only guns that have to be self loaded can be used; any others must be used in gun clubs only. The others are used on farms to deal with vermin.. and trespassers. (kidding!)

And I was thinking too... haha.... wouldn't it be just too crazy if we went back to the gunslinger days where we walk into a place and the western music arks up and everyone has their hand on their gun hilts.. only we all look a bit more like Rambo!
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