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Postby choki » Thursday 10 August 2006 7:33:42am

*stumbles out of the broomstick cupboard, coughing*
Keke... geez, I'm covered with cobwebs and layers of dust...

*looks at the calendar on the kitchen wall of McWizards*

2006!!! :eek:
what ever happened??? I can only remember drinking some juice and....

*scratch head*....*then realisation struck*
I've been sleeping for 2 years??
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Postby HogwartsHQ » Thursday 10 August 2006 12:03:16pm

*HQ looks over* Well, then have another drink to start the day! *HQ hands over a drink*
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 August 2006 12:55:10pm

*stares at everyone from the top of the refrigerator*

and it was so nice and quiet for once D:
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Postby choki » Friday 11 August 2006 5:08:36am

*calmly drinks what HQ offered*

Well, time to start work.... and why is the manager sitting on top of the fridge?

*whispers to HQ softly*
Doesn't she know that the past crew members placed a magic on it? Some old ancient magic of shrinking if I can still remember
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Postby HogwartsHQ » Friday 11 August 2006 5:12:34am

*HQ thinks to himself Hmmmmmmmmmm* "really?" :evil grin:
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Postby Q.Araignee » Friday 11 August 2006 10:12:13am

*Walks in* Please don't give HQ any more ideas than he already has choki. It's torture for the rest of us. But anyway, I was wandering if you needed any help. And if not, can I have a Fluffy frozen yoghurt please?
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Postby HogwartsHQ » Saturday 12 August 2006 5:31:20am

i wasn't getting any ideas.........................but now that you get me thinking....*begins to think to himself*
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Postby choki » Monday 14 August 2006 2:15:15am

Well, I guess we need a chef! It seems like a dragon entered McWizards long time ago and took away the burger flipper and the cleaner and well, I think almost everyone so... u want the job or the drink?

*serves Q.Araignee a fluffy frozen yogurt*
that will be 1000 galleons
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Postby Q.Araignee » Tuesday 15 August 2006 10:33:48am

*Smiled wryly* I'll take the job, good sir. I'm quite a good chef, and can make anything you require with either muggle or magical methods.
*Goes into the kitchen, and makes two different burgers before holding them out* Can you tell which hand the muggle-made burger is in? And then we can discuss a formal contract...and feel free to just call me Gwydion if you're going to be my boss.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 15 August 2006 2:09:50pm

Ahh, Gwydion right...
I'm not the boss around here, I'm actually the "........."
*suffers from amnesia*
Well, I think I was once the Regulatory Affairs Manager or something
and You're HIRED!
*shakes hand with Gwydion warmly*
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Postby Q.Araignee » Tuesday 15 August 2006 2:12:44pm

*Smiles warmly* Thank you very much! I promise to work to the best of my abilities.
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Postby HogwartsHQ » Tuesday 15 August 2006 3:44:21pm

Now that your hired................WELL SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME MY BIG ORDER?
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Postby choki » Wednesday 16 August 2006 3:26:02am

Right on... yes yes... prepare the food
*calculates the bill*
that would be a grant total of 300 million galleons.
paying by galleons or contract bond for... eternity :evil grin:
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Postby HogwartsHQ » Wednesday 16 August 2006 3:53:04am

you get the money tomarow. *HQ says Smiling* :cool:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Wednesday 16 August 2006 6:13:07pm

Wow. Someone's pricey.

Some people wouldnt charge more than 15 galleons for a full meal *cough* THE JUICE BAR *cough*

So... what do you have to eat here?
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