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Postby choki » Thursday 12 August 2004 5:26:07pm

*looks at pinky worriedly*
Do you think Marcus has gone haywire somewhere here?
*points to brain*
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Postby Mint » Thursday 12 August 2004 7:18:21pm

he looks ok to me *squeals Mint-Jelly from the jar*
whatever happen to him was obviously for his best, i think u should all drink that tea! :evil grin:
*Mint-Jelly almost dances in the jar, but then gets tired and goes to sleep* Good night. z_z
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 12 August 2004 7:56:43pm

*throws away the rest of the tea in the tea pot*

oh marcus, here, i have just the thing to cure you of your... ravings :o i know just the thing to cure this, muddyguck potion! just add a bit of potato, one gallon eye ball liquid, a teaspoon of essence of broccoli, once diced radish, and one jar of mint jelly....
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Postby Mint » Friday 13 August 2004 8:24:39pm

*Mint-Jelly wakes up*

What? :o u gonna put me in some soup potion?!! I dont think so missy! :evil:

*Mint-Jelly stares at PinkyP evilly*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 14 August 2004 11:54:16pm

Wow this potion sounds like good stuff. Hey mint, do YOU think I should have it???
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Postby choki » Sunday 15 August 2004 3:11:33pm

That soup sounds creepy...who would want to add a jar of Mint-jelly...I mean it tastes like Mint...
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Postby pinky p » Monday 16 August 2004 12:18:43am

exactly! once you taste mint jelly, brought out to it's true form by the other flavors, you will find out how disgusting it really is and will never want to eat (or worship) it ever again!

*stirs potion* now, all i have to add in the mint jelly... *grabs jar out of back of fridge and unscrews lid*
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Postby Mint » Monday 16 August 2004 4:40:23pm

*meanwhile Mint-Jelly squeazed out of the closed jar throught the little space between the jar and the cap and and quickly moved jars around so the PinkyP would take the "Super Sleepy-Jelly" jar. o.o*

Don't let them feed you that stuff *wispered mint-jelly from a dark coner to Marcus* Make them eat it themselves :evil grin:

*Mint Jelly creaped into a dark hole behind a fridge to watch what will happen*
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Postby choki » Wednesday 18 August 2004 5:41:31pm

*watches as pinky pours the jar content and stirs the big pot of soup* smells bad doesn't it...
Look at the's...not very appealing
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 18 August 2004 10:31:05pm

yep.... just the thing to cure marcus... *ignores marcus's mumbles of "drink it yourself" (that's the spell talking, drink this and you'll be all better!), plugs his nose and dumps a goblet of it down his throat. he falls off his chair onto the floor, unconcious*

oh dear me, that was not supposed to happen. here, choki, be a dear and get me a bucket of cold water, will you?
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Postby choki » Monday 23 August 2004 1:53:22pm

Erm...cold water...Ok Accio cold water

*tons of water erupts from the sink and floods McWizards' kitchen*

Ahhhh...bad wand
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Postby Mint » Monday 30 August 2004 8:57:26pm

*Mint-Jelly slowly disolves in water*

oh-oh :o
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 31 August 2004 1:27:17am

how did that mint jelly get there? i thought i put it in the potion... :o so that's why it didn't work.... hmm... well someone clean up this mess while i fix the potion again... *slides mint jelly back into jar*
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 31 August 2004 2:05:08pm

oh thank god, i thought I was gonna fully disolve in there!!!! ^^'

*gets comfortable in the jar*

Raise for PinkyP!!! :3
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 31 August 2004 9:36:03pm

*dumps jar of mint jelly into cauldron with other ingredients* okay, so, bring to a rolling boil...
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