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Postby azn wizard » Sunday 25 May 2003 4:56:44pm

oh oh..seems like we need another haircut *pullz out sissors* i should become a professional barber..hmmm
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Postby Beccaroo » Sunday 25 May 2003 8:37:47pm

he hee! Wow! My hairdooo has started a trend even with it's snowstorm effect!

Let the mad snowstorm hairdoo fest commence!
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 27 May 2003 4:28:16pm

Oh no, no ketchup!!! :evil: *spits ketchup*

Becides, I never started anything - I just placed my order!!!! :evil:

*Fil finishes Mint's hairdo*

Oh lookie, Im beautiful!!! :razz: I have becca's snow storm hair!!!

*Mint gets ketchup in her hair*

Oh look, its a red version of it! Its a MAAAD snow storm hair. 8-) Which reminds me...... *Mint pickes up Mustard bottle and starts squirting it on Wilwizard, but instead mustard goes flying all over the place* Take that!!!! :evil:

*Notices littlelib, who still has some of Mint's hair stuck to her back*

Haha, Littlelib I never knew you were so hairy! :lol:
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Postby Wilwizard » Saturday 31 May 2003 2:59:41pm

Thanks for the mustard mint but i have bigger fish to fry.

WHERE IS KYLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

If he sets foot in this place .................
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Postby littlelib » Sunday 1 June 2003 1:06:07pm

Oh thats it i am going to go and change! I dont want any more hairy comments.

*lib storms out with mints attatched hair billowing in the wind*
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Postby Mint » Monday 2 June 2003 3:25:48pm

*Watches Littlelib pass by*

What r u talking about - it looks pretty :grin:

Kyle?? :evil: Lets see......I was using his body to defend myself against atacks.....and I left it near the counter, when a burger hit my eye (after it hit Kyle's eye :grin: )....... :-?

*Looks under the counter*

Oh NO!!! Kyle's body is GONE!!!!! EEEEEEEEk :eek:
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Postby littlelib » Monday 2 June 2003 6:59:22pm

*lib stops in her traks*

Hummmm - this sounds like the work of the wooba wooba! (it steals peoples bodies then hides them under door mats)

*lib strips off her shirt and underneath has a little superman type thing on with two big Ws.*

Alright people lets do this!
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Postby Mint » Monday 2 June 2003 7:30:23pm

YEY! :grin:

er....wait you have two big W? are you the wooba wooba? :eek:

Hmm ....regardless, do you want a sidekick? I volunteer !! :red smile:

*mint staaaares at lib's costume.* :circling:
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Postby Beccaroo » Monday 2 June 2003 9:19:45pm

Arhggh! NOT THE DREADED WOOBA WOOBA OF DOOM?!!! i've read about them in books. Where is it?

*Starts backing away towards the door*
I have and hide under a doormat. bye

*runs away*
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Postby Wilwizard » Wednesday 4 June 2003 2:35:42am

That manager job for the mac wizards at Sk is looking better and better every second. The wooba wooba of doom??? :???:
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 4 June 2003 2:41:49pm

Worry not Wil and Becca,

I, sidekick of WW, will save you all!!!!!

*Mint transforms into a pretty dress (like Sailor Moon)*

Where is it! :evil: I will atack it with my sweet sugar powder so its teeth will fall out! :evil grin:
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Postby Wilwizard » Wednesday 4 June 2003 3:48:48pm

Friends, freaks, fries, lend me your ears.

As you know Mcwizards is now a chain. So i am sorry to anounce that i am no longer the manager of this McWizards. So the manager position is up for grabs. Please post if you aree interested.

Oh and btw i'm now the president of Mcwizards. :grin:
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 4 June 2003 7:53:33pm

Me! take me!

*scribbles on her resume*

Objective: to cause panic and chaos
Past experience: - very rude customer at McWizards
- the High Pristess of Chicken Worshipers
Skills: - summon chickens
- make evil plans

Eeek, may be I shouldn't have put all that on my resume :o
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Postby Wilwizard » Wednesday 4 June 2003 10:21:50pm

I have to see how else applys. And after that the president (me) must think about it, maybe discuss it with the board members (me, the only board member), and there is also the share holders (which is me again as the only share holder) and the CEO (also me) has to comment too.

So alot of people have a say in this, because you got to remmber its now a corporation.

Btw just incase you would like to know. Kyle is the manager of the other one.

And remmber what i always say. Monopoly is just a game, i'm trying to take over the world here.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 5 June 2003 5:06:24pm

Take over the world?

Did I forget to mention that I am good with comming up with evil plans for world domination? :evil:

Kyle, manager? *Me smell total chaos!* Why he is my bestest friend! :grin:

*Mint crosses her fingers* :evil grin:
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