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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 20 July 2004 5:19:24pm

Thank you choki dear.

Hey groo, we are there already! Beautiful, eh sonny? Child, you are welcome to drink from the fountain, however if you turn into a baby, I am NOT going to change your diper! :grin:
Come on Pinky P, you go first. Im an old chicken, im too afraid...
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Postby choki » Wednesday 21 July 2004 4:10:38pm

Are we even supposed to drink from the fountain of youth?
*points at the sign*
It says, do not drink...
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Postby Moonstone » Friday 23 July 2004 1:09:10pm

*is allready drinking from the fountain*

What sign??

:o :o :o :o :o Oooo Noooooo!!!
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Postby choki » Saturday 24 July 2004 4:55:07pm

*is horrified with the sight she is seeing*

It would be better if you never look at the mirror...ever again
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Postby Phaerie » Sunday 25 July 2004 8:31:17pm

Don't worry i'm sure its reversible, maybe, possibly, hopefully!

You know i really think they should emphasise that sign
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Postby Marcus Baker » Sunday 25 July 2004 9:56:25pm

Hmm...maybe I shouldnt drink as much as Moonstone, but Im afarid that if I drink now, I might just drop dead!!! And I love my job as a fry cook so much....that....well I JUST HATE BEING SOO OLD!!!
*Runs to the fountain, and takes one little drop of the fountain*
Is it working...IM feeling a bit healthier...
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Postby Nightcrawler » Tuesday 27 July 2004 9:52:57am

Hmmm. I love the Quarter Pounder at McDonald because it is the fattiest thing on the menu. Is there anything like that here?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 27 July 2004 4:58:59pm

*Apperates back to McWizzards*
Hey, Im Marc the fry guy, and I do the most work and get the least paid! I know, I shouldnt get paid at all but my bosses are soo nice! Anyways, I would reccommend the Shrimpachickazilla Burger with extra radioactive worms, cuz they are really filling and fatty! It only costs 12050 galleons, so its a great deal. You can add flobberworms with it for an extra 100 galleons.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 28 July 2004 8:43:33am

*turns around after hearing a loud cracking sound*
Hey....where did that old man, Marc went to? Did he just apparate? Amazing for an elderly wizard at his...erm...age

anyway...we better find a way to make them youthful without becoming a toddler...
*looks at Moonstone who is wailing in an oversized robe*
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Postby Nightcrawler » Wednesday 28 July 2004 8:58:09am

Hmmmm.... a little pricey don't you think?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 28 July 2004 5:38:42pm

Hey. If you dont like our prices, you can bring it up with the manager :grin: .

*Sends an owl to choki*
Hey choki, im alright now. I think im a few years younger that I am supposed to be, but other that that, Im perfectly normal! Tell them to take .00000000000001 mLs of the fountain water, and you will be fine.
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Postby pinky p » Sunday 1 August 2004 12:44:23am

*drinks .00000000000001 mL of the fountain water*

gee whiz, i feel better all ready! *apparates back to mcwiz and shakes a codfish at nightcrawler*

hey, you, admission to mcwizard's is 100,000 galleons payed to the mopgirl (me!) even if you don't order any food. pay up or else we'll have to feed you to the dragon in the store room! :evil: :eek:

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Postby choki » Sunday 1 August 2004 2:15:37pm

so erm...the elderly folks just take 0.00000000000001 mL of that fountain water

As for the babies...I guess it is time for the return of the potion maker :evil:
*scoops a bucket of fountain water for research purpose*

Apparate back to McWizards!
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 3 August 2004 3:42:12pm

*scrolls through McWizards*
hehe - i hope noone notices me taking constant vacations :evil grin:

*goes to the register and takes all the money*
Whaaa u've been working so well!!!! o.O' Nice employees!!
*gives everyone 1 galleon. Steps on random customer. Gives Choki 2 galleons to support the random ongoing research*
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 4 August 2004 1:05:04am

not so fast, mint!!!!! *throws a random spell at mint which turns out to be the gooberpuss spell... mint is turned into a pile of quivering goo*
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