Leaky Cauldron

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Postby gecko » Saturday 27 September 2003 1:45:21pm

Hey marcus, what do you think of it?
Want to stock Glühwein in the bar?
I could learn you this ancient charm I used to make that cauldron here,
or I could just give you the cauldron, what ever suits you! :razz:

Anyone want to help me make a snowman?
Shall we try without magic first? I've seen muggles do it!

*tries but fails to make a snow boulder* :(
mm. how can they live without magic!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 27 September 2003 1:53:41pm

Sure! What a great Idea gecko! So, is the ancient charm difficult?? If it isnt, then i cant learn it. IT would be great to serve such a good beverage at the bar, it was SOO good.
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Postby Jotomicron » Saturday 27 September 2003 1:53:58pm

A Snowman! ! ! It would be great.

PP and Caitlin... Excuse me, but I think I'll try the snow man before the hockey, if you don't mind...

*Quits the hockey space and joins gecko*

Wow... Do Muggles do those? Without magic? It should be really strange!!!
What should we do first... Catch the snow to make a huge ball?

Let's try! It would be great... :razz:
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 27 September 2003 2:02:56pm

Hmm...whos still playing hockey??? Ahh, well it can take a break.

Goes over to the Snowman

Hey, usually when i watch muggle kids making this stuff, they use these rasins as the eyes, and this carrot as the nose. Hmm, eatable snowman..hehe
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Postby Jotomicron » Saturday 27 September 2003 2:05:57pm

Carrot as a nose...??? Strange
I'll never understand the Muggle mind. It's just so different from ours!
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Postby gecko » Saturday 27 September 2003 2:08:11pm

I've got an idea! What if we just fill a cauldron with snow, and then make the cauldron vanish?
*fills a cheap cauldron with snow and performs a vanishing charm on the cauldron*

There we have it, a nice round snow ball! :lol:
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 27 September 2003 2:10:42pm

Nice idea, wow gecko, you are very creative! NOw we need smaller cauldrens for the smaller balls of snow. Anyone know where we can get a muggle top hat for the top of the snowman?? ahh, nevermind, why are we taking muggle ideas?? Lets put Every flavored beans instead of rasins, and...hmm what should we do for the carrot?
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Postby Jotomicron » Saturday 27 September 2003 2:15:31pm

We don't need other cauldrons...

We could perform the Reducto harm on the big cauldron and make it shrink. In the moment, I can't do it! I broke my wand and it's in Salamence's wand shop to be fixed...

For the nose I think we could use... let's see... I know: an icecream cone, and then make it shine and change color (I love changing color charms...)
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Postby pinky p » Saturday 27 September 2003 3:09:54pm

hmmm i can get a top hat... we sell them at madame malkins, you know *disapparates and apparates clutching a brilliant shade of violet top hat* here, marcus.... electric violet was all we had :oops:
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Postby choki » Saturday 27 September 2003 4:17:33pm

Ooo snowman, you guys are building one? Cool
ya'know I was thinking that we should use wands for the snowman arms instead of twigs...just charm the wands to stick together, forming an arm :grin:
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 27 September 2003 4:40:01pm

A snowman that shoots out charms from its hands...lol. Nice idea Choki!

Well, what do we use as the nose/??
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 27 September 2003 5:04:55pm

oooo, snowmen making...

*sees the wizard methods used to created the snowpeople*

Oh dear *chuckles merrily* a wizard snowman, I guess I'd never see the day. Well as for a nose you could use this "self-Squirrel repelling" carrot. Muggle Snowmen's noses are forever being eaten by wily squirrels you know!

*takes a slip of Glühwein*

Yummmy!!!!! Now we need ginger spice cookies to go with this!

*Meg conjurs spice cookies*

Yum!!! Just like on Amelie!!!!
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Postby Caitlin Pierce » Saturday 27 September 2003 5:54:00pm

*takes a slip of Glühwein*
Meg, it's hot wine, not ice :razz:

Snowmen! I was Muggle born, I always used to make these when I was little...^^

*Starts making a robin out of snow to put on top of the hat, and then bewitches it to sing*

Of course, being a witch makes it much more fun!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 27 September 2003 6:35:23pm

whoops...I mean *Meg takes a SIP of Glühwein*

hehe he
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Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 27 September 2003 6:36:21pm

*scores a goal, but when she goes to celebrate she notices that that everyone is gone* oh, they all left :( Oh well, I'll go make snow angles *goes to take off her skates but they are stuck to her feet* ARG! ju-dedoh! I'm going to get you for this!! *tries to use magic to get the skates off, but somehow also removes her socks nd even her toes* WHAT?! This is horrible! :cry: *gets her toes back and heads over to make snow angels*
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