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by AccioNiffler » Thursday 18 September 2003 10:16:47pm
*SHouts to PPrincess* Hey! Whyy dont you come over and dance with us! You look so sad! But dont you worry, dancing with everyone will make you feel much better! *to Marcus* Oh, careful not to givve Gecko too much of that stuff, I mean, what will it do if that happens?
by pinky p » Thursday 18 September 2003 10:17:20pm
ooh group dance! fun fun fun! thanks, guys *sips marc's potion* yum this is the best potion i've ever had what's in... WHOA *pinky stares at herself turning lime green* holy cow cool! hey how about that dance where everyones in a big line and you hold onto the person in front of you's shoulders, and kick to the side once in a while... have you any clue what i'm talking about, anyone?
by pinky p » Thursday 18 September 2003 10:41:30pm
*the whole room is alive with the shouts and kicks of the congo line, with is snaking about the room*
YAY this is such fun! why ever didn't we think of this before?
by AccioNiffler » Thursday 18 September 2003 10:41:36pm
Hm, I think that Meg might be busy with her muggle studues and all (though I'm sure most of us should be too...lol) but how about we dedicate this conga dance to her for being such a great boss!