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Postby AccioNiffler » Sunday 17 August 2003 4:49:40am

*AccioNiffler walks in looking very confused*
I've decided to come in and see what this McWizards is all about. I'm usually stuck on the Knight Bus serving food to people, but I mean, you can't stay on the bus forever. You need to get out and stretch your legs every once in a while!

*takes a few steps in and looks at how odd everyone looks* But you all look very, erm, busy? Stuck? upset? and look, it's Marcus, Hi Marcus :welcome:

So, do I get to order food here? Is it good? Can you guarantee that it's better than the food that I make? Because, I have to say, it all seems to smell pretty fishy....
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Postby choki » Sunday 17 August 2003 10:31:08am

Oh Accioniffler, welcome welcome
Fishy meals??? Oh that is for special guests :evil:
You can try our speciality - shrimpachickazilla burgers
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Postby AccioNiffler » Sunday 17 August 2003 3:46:57pm

shrimpachickazilla burgers
Hmmm.... is that seafood, poulrty, or beef? Oh well, I'll try one! How much is it?[/quote]
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Sunday 17 August 2003 9:41:09pm

sorry for so long apologies!
*thinks last request?? uhh yeah like to know who you called plz??and my money!!* :evil:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Monday 18 August 2003 3:45:07am

Pheh :-? i can't cook. the blue elephant fish is gone and burnt the last of its species.. I'm such a horrible cook. :cry:

Goes off to eat some ice cream for comfort
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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 18 August 2003 3:53:46am

oh, poor huffleduck, dont worry if you burnt something! everyone burns food every once in a while, and if you had the last of the species, then obviously no one cared about it enough to preserve it, so no harm done!
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Postby choki » Monday 18 August 2003 9:05:25am

Huffleduck, there are still the shrimpachickazillas for cooking so don't u worry abt the food supply
Accioniffler, i presume shrimpachickazillas are a mutated species of its nearest cousin, the shrimp :lol:

Hermione, i just called the ministry squad for troublemakers, they are among the foulest creatures to walk on middle earth...ooops i mean wizarding community
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 18 August 2003 11:43:41am

Hey!! I can cook!! Remember, im mr Fry COOK!!...I just need someone to get me out of this chair!!! Im glued..still. Thanks to Hermione... Well, maybe Accio can help me, your nice arnt you? you wont charge me for it, im just a poor man stuck to a chair. Please?? Then I can fetch some Shrimachickzilla burgers and maybe some Hermione's hair curly fries
and a Snape Shake. What about that/?
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 18 August 2003 2:23:10pm

I'm back, ze crazy frenchfryman !!!
Friez I cook ze best !
choki wrote:i presume shrimpachickazillas are a mutated species of its nearest cousin, ze shrimp

it iz also a mutation from ze chickenz : :chicken:
well anyone for zome friez ?
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Postby choki » Monday 18 August 2003 2:41:42pm

Shrimpachickazilla - a hybrid between shrimp and chicken...
bet it taste good...that's why it is our McWizards speciality :grin:

Marc, don't you worry so much abt the glue...the squad will be here any sec and i'm sure they are capable of removing that glue
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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 18 August 2003 3:17:16pm

Marc, I was going to help you up (i'm nice like that!) but maybe since the squad will be here soon they can help you, I'm really not that stong anyways, I'd probably just get myself stuck!

and didnt I order a shrimpachickazilla burger? where is my food??
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Postby choki » Monday 18 August 2003 3:52:26pm

Hmmm, a shrimpachickazilla burger is on the order...and the cooks are...erm...hey that guy from france, cook something for accioniffler

Meanwhile let's discuss the price...a shrimpachickazilla burger doesn't come cheap
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 18 August 2003 8:29:42pm

I can, or I can try!
*Flips burgers with a spatula in my mouth*
"! M..mmm....m..!"
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 18 August 2003 8:57:46pm

my talentz at last, zey are requested !
zo, what kind of friez do you want ?
I can do french friez of course, chips, curly wurly hermione hairy friez and ze famous scar friez shaped like ze lightening.
I can do a mix of zem all for ze very little price of #CHA CHING# 234517653 Galleonz
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 18 August 2003 9:08:39pm

*Done with the burger*
"Burger is done! Hey Ju, your charging only 234517653 galleons?? That is not a lot. I would charge 100234517653!
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