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*Blushes* Awww your so kind.... Now, time to liven the place up I think. *Conjours up a troup of woodnymphs* Ive no idea how you spell that, but dont mind them, they wont be any trouble.
Aha! Florean Fortiscue secret recipe! I will not give away my secrets, but I will give you ice cream any time you like. Dont forget to drop in when you have 1000 posts for aspecial 1000 posts sundae!
arr arr arr arr arr here ave some liquid nitrogen on the house
*throws a vat o nitrogen on top o him*
ah why not have some lovely snow as well
*throws a snow globe into the middle of the room*
Its so much fun ah well gotta go but bfore that
*waves wand*
HAH u cant get rid of any of it and I know I see the future
*dissaparates far far away to enjoy a chocolate toffee vanilla mint choco chip ice cream*
*Ignores DM* If your hot then of course have an ice cream straight away *Hands groo one* Now I know you can here me DM. Frankly, Im getting a bit sick of it, every time you come in here its to cause trouble, so if you do it again Ill report you, and if you keep doing it Ill just ignore any trouble you try to cause on this thread. If you want an ice cream you only have to say so, although after the trouble youve caused Im not sure I will serve you.