Leaky Cauldron

Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby Vivian Borgin » Tuesday 19 August 2003 7:17:39am

Oh, well. Can't blame me for trying. The shop hasn't been doing so great lately. :-?

May I have a Bloody Mary?
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 19 August 2003 9:27:48am

D'oh, well of to work
*drags himself lazily to the second bed which is 10 inches from the first as if it was the hardest trial of his life*
mumbles : how can they do this to ME, the famous bed tester !
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 19 August 2003 10:03:36am

*walks around town and suddenly sees a sign about the leaky cauldron opening tonight and decides to enter the place*

mm classy place.. nice music, good beds, nice waitresses :P, oohh and weirdsounding foods, those have to be good!

Can I order something, please?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 19 August 2003 11:36:09am

Heres your bloody Mary Vivian. Would you like it as a virgin (remember, your still in school!!!) (Vivian Borgin Fifth Year Student in Witchcraft and Wizardy). Ill only serve firewhisky and other bevreges to thoes who graduated from Hogwarts, and Muggles, well, they get koffee and cokacola.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 19 August 2003 12:06:00pm

do you know how to brew such liquids ??? what a rare talent
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 19 August 2003 12:36:29pm

Welcome Vivian and gecko to our big opening party! I hope you enjoy your stay and enjoy our cocktails and delictables created by our bar tender and chef! We will also have nightly entertainment by the famous Miss Lola Banana and Mr. Zledman-Saxophone-Freak (he he)! So sit back relax, and if you need anything just let any one member of the staff know!

*Meg goes behind the hostess counter since Devinci isn't there at the moment, and whips out the appointment book*

hmmm....looks like we should be getting a big party from the Black Forest soon...Donner Party for 10?????
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Postby choki » Tuesday 19 August 2003 2:33:58pm

*walks around LC since there isn't any book to do*

Hmmm, I shall review the menu and fix the price according to Big boss Meg then...

*walks over to Accioniffler*

I'm just wondering whether the menu changes daily or weekly?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 19 August 2003 2:51:23pm

Ok , Choki, you can set the prices, as long as the prices are affordable!

I think I am going to check up on Ju-Dedoh, and start freshing up the rooms with fresh flowers!

*Meg waves her new wand from Salamances*


*a bunch of fragrant purple flowers burst from the tip of the wand*

Hmm, that's better, that should get the musky smell out of the rooms!
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Postby choki » Tuesday 19 August 2003 2:56:37pm

Alrighty, I shall fix the prices then...as long as they are affordable...Hmmm

*think to herself, is 100 galleons for a drink expensive :-? *

*walks over to gecko*

What do u want, mister?
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 19 August 2003 3:16:15pm

Uh yeah, do you have a local dish? Something special? A bit spicy if possible? Oh and I'd like a room please.. have to do some shopping in Diagon Alley tomorrow.

*sniffs the fresh flowery air* mm nice!
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Postby choki » Tuesday 19 August 2003 3:28:41pm

i recommend u Dragon steak, it is made from the finest ingredients...as for the spicy taste, i'm sure u will have fire breathe soon and u definitely need a cooling drink after that fiery meal, i will have our bartender to come out with something freezing cold...is that alright for u?

*wink to Meg :grin: *
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 19 August 2003 3:38:20pm

Sounds great! Does it come served with something else? Like vegetables? Oh, I'd like the Chimaera Chowder as well!

Mm.. it's not too busy here, perhaps you could have some people sit together at the same table, so we can all make new friends! : )
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Postby choki » Tuesday 19 August 2003 3:51:45pm

Oh sure, we do have some garnish, u can try this new breed of veggie Hogwarts has cutivated. It is called the canivobbage meaning biting cabbage... :P ok i have placed ur order with the cooks so meanwhile u can chat around the bar with Vivian, she is erm a bit drunk or if u don mind i could sit down here and chat with u till the food arrives
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 19 August 2003 4:09:09pm

Welcome gecko! What sort of room would you like? Simple? Lavish? We have a nice one with en suite jacuzzi! Would you like a kitchenette, or leave the cooking to our Chef Accio? Just let me know the qualities of a room you desire, and I will arrange it for you! And I can also assure you that our beds are quality checked by the world famous Bed-tester, Ju-Dedoh!

So, anyways, what brings you to the Leaky Cauldron?
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 19 August 2003 4:09:48pm

What do you say? Biting garbage? I should hope not! :Þ
Oh cabbage! Sounds fine!

Mmm. I'm kinda tired so I think I'll stay here and chat with you for a bit//

oh could you give Vivian a cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella, she shouldn't be drunk this early!
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