Salamence's Wand Shop!

Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby roon wizol » Friday 22 July 2005 4:11:01pm

a new wand is what i need what can u offer me?
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Saturday 13 August 2005 5:53:12am

*pouts as she looks at her wand* It's gotten awfully weary over the years, so I'd love a new one.
What would you suggest for me?
Do you have any non-traditional, extraordinary types of wands? The more unique the better! (I wouldn't say no to something with a bit of a kick as well.)
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Postby klumbzy » Saturday 13 August 2005 2:46:45pm

klumbzy walked in.

whoa :-? she walked over to the side of the room, waiting for her turn to be served.
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Postby Curiouser » Tuesday 16 August 2005 9:32:30pm

I need a wand, please! I tried using my favorite lucky stick and I was sure it would work, but it didn't. So, yeah.

Below 11 inches, perhaps?
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Postby PaperFlowers101 » Thursday 18 August 2005 4:56:34am

Whoa...i seriously need a wand!i don't even have one yet!any suggestions?
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Postby Fantasy girl » Saturday 20 August 2005 6:16:10pm

Girl your not the ionly one. i would like a wand please
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Saturday 20 August 2005 8:51:16pm

It appears that all of the workers have, erm, disapparated?

We need someone to work here! Where else will we get our new wands?

*looks down at her battered, but functional wand with distaste*
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Postby PaperFlowers101 » Saturday 20 August 2005 8:52:20pm

Uh..maybe I can....?
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Postby Fantasy girl » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:45:15pm

Girl we can do it togther :grin:
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Postby PaperFlowers101 » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:45:55pm

Yay! *glomps jen*
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:46:38pm

i need a wand, anything, let it choose me, i dont want a bad wand!
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Postby Fantasy girl » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:48:14pm

alright Un'Anima Persa your first
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Postby PaperFlowers101 » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:49:02pm

lets head to my shop. I feel weird about selling things in someone elses when they're not around.........
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:49:48pm

umm, ok?
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Postby Fantasy girl » Saturday 20 August 2005 9:52:08pm

9 inches, phoenix feather, pine

14 inches, unicorn hair, cherry wood

10.5 inches, unicorn hair, holly

8 inches, dragon heartstring, birch
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