by choki » Saturday 2 August 2003 3:41:25pm
Dial St. Mungo's Emergency number
Hello, St. Mungo's? Yes, I need a healer...well we have currently 3 crews having some discomfort with some potions...yes yes McWizards, ya'know the store that charges 5000 galleons for water and goo combo...actually that was my potion that made them of them became old, very old, well I can see 10 wrinkles on his face at a distance...another became a no how could that be good, I know young girls do dream of becoming fully grown women, but Gwared is a guy...was, I mean...ok ok the last one, he didn't drink my potion but he is acting strange, feeling a bit stressed out...he's currently hiding in a corner...alright alright and please be quick, Thanks.