Salamence's Wand Shop!

Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby Jotomicron » Saturday 27 September 2003 1:44:22am

I was so tired that I went to buy an ice-cream and I sat on a chair... But I forgot to take my wand out of my pocket before :cry:
Could you fix it???
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Postby choki » Saturday 27 September 2003 3:42:00pm

Caitlin, you are here for a new wand. No problem...
10 inches, phoenix feather, ebony
11.5 inches, phoenix feather, balsa
9 inches, augurey feather, rosewood (augurey=irish phoenix)
8.5 inches, abraxan feather, beechwood

Joto, so your wand got snapped into half eh...not a tough job for me hehe
ok you have to leave your wand here for a day
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Postby Caitlin Pierce » Saturday 27 September 2003 5:37:05pm

Oh! I like the look of that rosewood one, can I give it a try?

*swishes it around experimentally, and practices by turning Ragnar white*

Wow! I'll take it, thanks!

*quickly turns her cat back before he gets mad and grins happily at choki, rummaging through her pockets to find a galleon or two*
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Postby choki » Saturday 27 September 2003 5:52:13pm

Actually the wands are free. Everything is free in Salamence's Wand Shop. :grin:
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Postby Caitlin Pierce » Saturday 27 September 2003 5:55:30pm

That's excellent ^^

*pockets the wand in her belt holder*

Thanks choki!

*waves a backwards hand as she picks up her bags again and wanders out of the shop*
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Postby TDM » Friday 24 October 2003 12:37:39am

it looks like everyone has wands...hmm...maybe i'll give choki a bonus for literally helping everyone *gives choki bonus*
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Postby Aries Avalon » Wednesday 10 December 2003 12:03:21am

uhm, hello? yes, um, er-...I am looking for a wand...
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Postby TDM » Wednesday 10 December 2003 3:40:14am

well hello hello.'s been awhile since we've had a customer, but let's try these four...

13.5 inches, pheonix feather, palm tree

9 inches, dragon scale, oak

14 inches, thestral feather, whomping willow

11 inches, blast-ended skewrt venom, rosebush

well, take your pick, and everything is free!
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Postby Aries Avalon » Wednesday 10 December 2003 4:30:01am

*picks up the 9 inch dragon sclae oak, wand*
*gives it a swish and flick*
*watches as the wand contineds to spill ink all over paperwork*
"Oh, geez, I'm so sorry*
*picks up the 11 inch blast ended skrewt, rosebush wand*
*flicks and swishes*
*A nearby vase explodes*
"AH! I can pay for that!"
*picks up the 14 inch thestral feather, womping willow wand*
*flicks and swish*
*watches large chunks of wood stary to crumble on the front desk*
"Oh, uh, I'm really sorry about that, I am.."
*picks up the phoenix feather, palm tree wand"
*immediatly the wand gave a warm sensation all through her hand*
"This is the one I want!!...thank you so much!"
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Postby TDM » Thursday 11 December 2003 2:41:24am

it's okay. *repairs everything with a swish of the wand* *wraps the wand and places it in Aries' bag*

have a nice day
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Postby Aries Avalon » Thursday 11 December 2003 4:20:21am


*walks away merrily*
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Postby Aries Avalon » Thursday 11 December 2003 4:22:51am


*walks away merrily*
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 11 December 2003 5:25:39pm

TheDragonMaster wrote:14 inches, thestral feather, whomping willow

hmm!!! do thestrals have feathers???

Anyway... I was going for a walk with Doenke (my flying horse, not a thestral, thought), and my wand fell from the sky!! Look:
*show off two pieces of the same blue wand*

Do you think you can fix it?
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Postby TDM » Friday 12 December 2003 4:15:20am seem to be rather accident prone when it comes to your wand. well, let me see what i can do. *takes wand in back room, and comes out 2 minutes later* well, i put it back together, and coated it in a diamond finish, which will make it unbreakable. have a swell day!
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Postby Jotomicron » Sunday 14 December 2003 6:43:44pm

Thank you so much... When I was young, my parents were always saying that I should be more careful with this precious tool we, wizards, use.
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