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Postby Wilwizard » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:39:55pm

*taps huffleduck on the shoulder*

Very nice thing to do infront of the president of Mcwizards.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:44:55pm

Hides behind mint :angel:

Stares at Wil
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Postby Wilwizard » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:47:33pm

Mint you know you got some weird employees here. And of courses thats a good thing
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Wednesday 9 July 2003 5:04:46pm

What kind of establishment is this?? :mad: :lol: People WEARING their food instead of EATING it...12 bloody dollars for a hamburger the size of a gumball! :eek: :razz: Man, this place is a mess....oh no! Careful, Mint, don't slip on that ketc---da*n, too late! :razz: :lol: "Another one bites the dust..." :razz:

*hands on hips* what are YOU going to do about this, Mr. President??? :o :x :razz:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 9 July 2003 7:29:43pm

Oh I got the empoyee of the month badge!!!! :P
*Mint gets up from the floor*

Oh...... its Mr president!!!!! :o

*Mint manages to smile while ketchup is dripping from her nose :laughing: *

Er...everything is under control Mr President!!!!! :laughing: Plenty of customers lately I tell ya!

*Mint steps on a mustard bottle that Huffleduck left behind and it squirts all over a customer, who attempts to leave while he can*

Wait-wait!!! You cannot leave while Mr President is here!!!! :evil:

Huffleduck - stop him!!! :evil:

*Mint grabs dietsoda that has been heavily diluted with water and ice and gives it to Lizzy*

Here! $10 special sale soda! u r lucky that the president is here :evil:
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Wednesday 9 July 2003 7:34:47pm

Mint wrote:Oh I got the empoyee of the month badge!!!! :P
*Mint gets up from the floor*

Oh...... its Mr president!!!!! :o

*Mint manages to smile while ketchup is dripping from her nose :laughing: *

Er...everything is under control Mr President!!!!! :laughing: Plenty of customers lately I tell ya!

*Mint steps on a mustard bottle that Huffleduck left behind and it squirts all over a customer, who attempts to leave while he can*

Wait-wait!!! You cannot leave while Mr President is here!!!! :evil:

Huffleduck - stop him!!! :evil:

*Mint grabs dietsoda that has been heavily diluted with water and ice and gives it to Lizzy*

Here! $10 special sale soda! u r lucky that the president is here :evil:

Surely I can have a pair of $52 candles to go on my $97 rental table so I can eat said $12 burger-bite and $10 sweetened water...erm, I mean SODA! :razz: :lol:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 9 July 2003 9:10:25pm

:eek: Mr.President. surely you can't leave without paying?
Your visit has caused quite a chaos here. And we're very pleased of your visit, but do think we can't have this type of chaos again or we'll lose business. Since my boss already paid Lizzy 10$ and we loss 12$ burger and 3 galleons of my labor.

Will you be kind enought to pay us back 50$ :razz:
Our business is not blooming lately for some unknown reason. but no worry i'll get more customer. :drums:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 9 July 2003 9:11:18pm

:-? Can a monderator here remove the first post?

Thanks a bunch :razz:
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Postby Wilwizard » Thursday 10 July 2003 1:28:15am

(btw i delted your first post huffleduck)

You want me to pay are you crazy. Lizzy has a point here. So this is what i am going to do. I'm gonna to name lizzy oficial quality inspecter. She will inspect the place for a week then report to me. Your jobs depend on her report. Now mint you would want to go from manager to janitor. So i suggest you fix the place up over the next week. And lizzy i want my report next wendsday!!!

Now carry on.

You want me to pay you.

*takes out some glue and glues huffleduck to the wall*

*puts $50 in huffleducks pocket*

There you go. Have a nice day :grin:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 July 2003 7:39:11pm

Ah huffleduck! Do not speak to the president next time! :evil:

*Mint goes over and unglues Huffleduck*

Don't worry Huffleduck, he doesnt come here too often :evil grin:
*Goes to the back of the store and brings out Haagen Daz icecream for Huffleduck :angel: *
Now Lizzy will start a riot here :( ........*stairs at lizzy :-? *

How about free food Lizzy? We give you food and u give good report to Mr President :grin:

Oh look this customer is leaving without paying! :evil: What do you mean you didn't order anything? You walked in through this door and waisted our valuable time! :evil:

customer tries to give Mint $20

No no, now to compensate us you have to clean this place up!

*Mint goes to find more customers*
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 July 2003 7:44:23pm

LOL, did I say stairs at Lizzy? :lol: I meant stares.

Dont worry Lizzy, I would never put stairs on you!!! :grin: :evil grin:

*Brings more icecream for Lizzy for emotional damage of expecting Mint to put heavy stairs on her*
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Postby Wilwizard » Friday 11 July 2003 1:48:34am

*walks back in*

Who unglued him? *points at huffleduck* :evil:

Lizzy with an ice cream. i hope shes is trying that for satisfaction if i found out any bribing is going on here you will all be working for huffleduck!!!!
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 11 July 2003 1:58:41am

Mint wrote:LOL, did I say stairs at Lizzy? :lol: I meant stares.

Dont worry Lizzy, I would never put stairs on you!!! :grin: :evil grin:

*Brings more icecream for Lizzy for emotional damage of expecting Mint to put heavy stairs on her*

Good grief! :o I've been promoted, bribed, and abused in less than 24 hours! :eek: :lol: hahahaha!

starts writing notes on her notepad...Mint...St. Mungos...padded walls... :razz: ...Huffleduck, clearly an unknowing accomplice...sniffed glue ;)

*falls to the floor, asleep, from the sleeping draught put in her ice cream by none other than [dun dun DUN!] MINT!!! :eek: *

~ Lizzy Bee zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *snores*
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Postby HuffleDuck » Friday 11 July 2003 6:10:32am

Woohoo woohoo,. Yippy Yippy.. all of ya will be working for me.. :lol: :lol:
Don't worry Mint, you can have all the free food you want and you can kick out anybody who's not paying you for the labor :razz:

Oh here Lizzy have some Snape chocolate milk shake
Puts some sleeping potion into the milk shake while Lizzy is busy with the undone ice cream
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Postby Mint » Friday 11 July 2003 9:06:09pm

lol :lol: I think Lizzy had all the sleeping draught (oh new word :o i dont know what it means but I will use it) that she needs.

But you know what? We may need some just in case. :evil:

*Mint listens to Huffleduck singing songs about taking over the store*
hehe - just the kind I want to be working here! Obsessed over the world domination kind *Mint grins to herself* :evil grin:

Hmmm, this milkshake looks too good for a free one... :evil: ....*Mint tries some*



(PS - wonderful idea with the draught Lizzy! :grin: )
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