`Strange Magic`, a dramatized documentary of JK. Rowling

A forum dedicated to Harry Potter creator, JK Rowling. A place to discuss interiews, news details and more about the fabulously talented author.

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`Strange Magic`, a dramatized documentary of JK. Rowling

Postby strangemagic » Thursday 3 February 2011 6:43:57pm

Dearest Harry Potter fans,

The props department of `Strange Magic`, a dramatized documentary of JK. Rowling, has a favour to ask of you. We are looking for image references of the following:

· Exeter University Diploma

· Social Assistance Payment book and cheque

· Edinburgh Postage Cancellation Stamp and Postage Marks (personal and company)

As a sign of apprciation for any help recieved, we will gladly send you photos of the props created and used on set.

Props.... you have helped us create!

Information can be sent to `Attention: David in the PROPS department` at:


Thank you.
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Joined: Wednesday 2 February 2011 3:59:05pm

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